Author of Influencer Networking Secrets Paul Edwards shares his insights to initiate and nurture connections with influencers, and attract ideal clients without they need to be salesy or pushy.

Paul's insights to build relationships with influencers

During our conversation, Paul reveals:

The lessons he learned as an insurance agent, which allowed him to become a client magnet rather than a pushy salesman Why you don't have to be charismatic to build relationships with influencers and potential clients The most important element to succeed when networking How to be a magnet, not a pusher What it means to have benevolent detachment in relationships How to decide what relationships to nurture The role of a podcast in your ability to connect with influencers And much more!

When Paul faces challenges, his go-to strategy is to "focus on the invisible." He sees each person as a living story, which helps him realize that he has more assets and help available than previously thought.

About Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards wears many hats – bestselling author, podcast host, executive ghostwriter, strategic connector. Husband, father, older brother to younger men. Amateur theologian, men’s physique competitor, voice mimic and recovering insurance salesman.

A first-generation Spanish-speaking immigrant to the US with African heritage and Middle East combat experience, Paul’s lived in five different countries, speaks two languages and holds three passports.

Paul does two things well: words and people. When he isn’t writing content for clients, you’re most likely to find him building relationships and creating opportunities for his network.

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