LinkedIn Whisperer and CEO of Social Sales Link shares actionable steps you can take today to leverage LinkedIn for thought leadership.

Brynne shares:

Why is important to have a strong LinkedIn  presence to position yourself as an expert How to optimize your profile so that it becomes a resource for ideal clients,  and they become inspired to  learn about your products and programs How to leverage your LinkedIn recommendations before and during sales conversations Best strategy to position yourself as an expert through Linkedin content And much more!

About Brynne Tillman:

Brynne Tillman is the LinkedIn Whisperer and CEO of Social Sales Link. For over a decade she has been teaching Entrepreneurs, sales teams, and business leaders how to leverage LinkedIn for social selling.

As a former sales trainer and personal producer, Brynne adopted all of the traditional sales techniques and adapted them to the new digital world. She guides professionals to establish a thought leader and subject matter expert brand, find and engage the right targeted market, and leverage clients and networking partners for warm introductions into qualified buyers."

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