"Cleaners make lousy disinfectants. Disinfectants make lousy cleaners and Cleaner/Disinfectants are the worst," says Graeme Marsh our guest this afternoon on Beyond Clean With ACE.

Graeme Marsh is President of ZBioscience.


The biological attack on surfaces is continuous, so must be the products used.  Can we not use beneficial bugs to counteract the bad ones.

We use probiotics within our bodies to balance, displace the bad bugs within.

"Check out the TED talk by Dr. Jessica Green," says Graeme.


Why not clean with a probiotic and transfer them around instead of bad bugs?  We need good microbes in our environment.  Use them!


There is always more to the story.  Find out what it is in this week's episode of Beyond Clean With GEM

For educational videos on healthy and proactive cleaning, be sure to check out the Academy YouTube channel at Academy of Cleaning.
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