Episode 4 of the Beyond Blending In Podcast: When You Can't Blend In, is a really powerful episode. Although, the podcast is focused on amplifying women of color I felt it really important to have a black man's perspective with everything that's been going on.

Our guest this week, Quinton Smith (affectionately called “Q” by his loved ones and colleagues), is a mentor and coach that has worked in the health and fitness industry for the last 12 years. Throughout his career has traveled locally and internationally training and developing athletes as well as other professionals. As an entrepreneur he established Freedom performance Incorporated; a company focused in health and fitness, personal development, real estate, and business strategy. He is also a dear friend, inspirational leader and a black man in America today. Q graciously offered to come on the show and share what he's been dealing with. His insights on this episode are powerful!

In our conversation we cover racial inequity, Black Lives Matter, white guilt, generational empowerment and I learned a ton. Enjoy!

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