Feeding our babies, whether we do this through chest/breastfeeding or supplementing can be incredibly stressful. It’s often treated as a black and white issue, rather than an inclusive conversation around different types of feeding, parents and family dynamics. Did you know that every body can make milk? True story! In today's episode, Sarah Fuller, of Opus Lactation, shares about inducing lactation and her work helping families create an individualized plan to cultivate a bonded, healthy feeding relationship. 

In this Episode:

When feeding your baby doesn’t feel magical or  intuitive.
Sarah’s personal experience with nursing and becoming an IBCLC
Is pain and latching normal?
What is inducing lactation?

Every body can lactate. Mind blown? 

Inducing lactation tricks your body into making milk, even if you haven’t given birth. How does this work?
Navigating adoption and inducing lactation
What to expect emotionally and physically through inducing lactation
How to support your supply and the importance of individualized support.
Fenugreek may not be all it’s cracked up to be.
Every body can make milk— let’s clarify that.
Education and breastfeeding success.
The Parent Trip! Now a virtual event to support you from pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond. Bringing the village back to parents.
How do you manage an overactive or low supply?
Lactation Cookies--- helpful or just delicious or both? 
Postpartum body expectations 
The three things that make you feel like you everyday. 

About Sarah & Opus Lactation

Sarah is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and the founder of Opus Lactation. Her passions in lactation begin with early education and latching support. It then dives all the way in to oral anatomy and inducing lactation in situations outside of the ”birth parent to nursing” journey. Sarah thrives on creating individualized plans to help each family feed their baby in a way that works best for them.

Sarah recognizes that each family has a different dynamic. She strives to help you discover the best way to feed your baby in your family.  Inclusivity is imperative. She works to help you trust and love your body where it is and for all of the magic it is. All parents can experience intimate and healthy feeding relationship with their babies through breastfeeding, chest-feeding, supplemental nursing systems, bottles and more

Connect with Sarah: 


About the Beyond Birth Podcast 


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