It’s that dreaded time of the year ... performance review cycles are in process in most organizations. According to research from SHRM (the Society for Human Resource Management), 90% of performance reviews are painful and ineffective.

Managers spend 210 hours on performance management and are inundated with reviews to complete. Meanwhile employees experience anxiety about an unpredictable outcome with 22% of employees preferring to call in sick rather than face a performance review.

In this episode, we will share performance review tips so you can set yourself up for success and turn this into an opportunity and make the most of it to advance in your career.



[00:40] Dreading the performance review

[02:27] Actively managing your career

[05:10] Tips for last minute prep for review

[07:28] Seeking out the truth tellers for feedback

[10:24] Be curious when receiving feedback

[11:18] Always follow-up after a review

[12:44] Summary of 5 performance review tips



“If you're not actively managing your career, chances are that you haven't done all of the groundwork needed for you to make the most out of the feedback cycle and to leverage the review for advancement.” – Nikki Barua

“Take every opportunity to illustrate your accomplishments and share measurable results that you've created.” – Nikki Barua

“Your self-assessment is not the time to be humble. It is the time to advocate for yourself and highlight your accomplishments.” – Monica Marquez

“Utilize the STAR method in your performance reviews – Situation, Tasks, Action, Results.” – Monica Marquez

“Be strategic in who you ask for feedback and what you ask them to support you in.” - Monica Marquez

“Seek feedback to listen and learn, not to refute and reject.” - Nikki Barua

“Feedback is essential for growth, it is a gift.” – Monica Marquez


About Nikki Barua:

Nikki Barua is a digital innovator, serial entrepreneur, author & speaker.







About Monica Marquez:

Monica Marquez is an ex-Googler, diversity expert and senior corporate leader.







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