Have you ever found yourself staring at the ceiling, feeling numb and disconnected? Do you sometimes struggle to be honest with yourself because you’re afraid to face your fears and deal with change?

Our guest, Jasmin Manke, shares her story of how she went from asking herself, “What’s wrong with me?” to asking herself the simple question, “What would I LIKE my life to be?” By granting herself permission to visualize what the future could hold for her, she embarked on a journey of transformation that unlocked her potential and gave her a platform to transform the lives of people globally.

Jasmin Manke is the founder of The Confident Boss Academy. She is an expert in helping women build 6-Figure Online Coaching Businesses, creating the impact and results for their clients, while enjoying the freedom in their lives that they crave.

In this episode, Jasmin reveals powerful strategies for overcoming self-doubt, getting unstuck and achieving your ambitions. She shares her own journey of walking away from an unfulfilling corporate career to living her entrepreneurial dream. At 25, Jasmin is a self-made millionaire who inspires people all around the world and has earned thousands of followers with her authenticity and bold confidence.



[02:26] Jasmin’s story

[04:43] Finding your truth

[06:51] Clarity and discovering your true north star

[08:59] Giving yourself permission to dream

[12:22] Overcoming the fears of starting a business

[15:48] Make a decision with confidence

[22:45] Formula for success

[27:40] Overcoming limiting beliefs

[32:43] The most common struggle

[34:27] Success habits



“Having the courage to say I am not okay with this situation is where change really begins.” – Jasmin Manke

“What you choose to focus on is what will expand and grow.” – Jasmin Manke

“What if you shift your fear and questioning of what is going on right now in the world to what if this is the opportunity to rewrite my story?” – Jasmin Manke

“Ask yourself this question: are you running a business or are you living your purpose?” – Jasmin Manke

“You are always at the right time in your life's journey.”– Jasmin Manke

“Success is a science, not an ‘if this is meant to be, it will be’. It's a matter of do I want to make this happen and what should I do to make this happen.” – Jasmin Manke

“Life is too short to not show up every single day living your purpose.” – Jasmin Manke

“Focus on what you have available to you and how you can maximize that success.” – Jasmin Manke

“We need to view struggles as stepping-stones to success, rather than as tumble stones.” – Jasmin Manke

“Ask yourself what belief you hold that is in the way of you moving forward towards success.” – Jasmin Manke

“Be grateful for what you have and be appreciative of what's yet to come.” – Jasmin Manke


About Jasmin Manke:

Jasmin Manke is an International Speaker, Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practioner and the founder of “The Confidence Boss Academy”.

She is an expert in helping women build 6-Figure Online Coaching Businesses, whilst creating the impact and results for their clients and the freedom in their lives that they crave.



Website: Jasminmanke.com

3 steps to 6 figures Webinar:  JasminManke.com/6figures

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasmin-manke-63a8b1a5/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mankej

Free Female Entrepreneurs Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ownyourpowerwomen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminmankecoaching/