Do you have a network of friends or colleagues but don’t like asking them for help? Have you ever wanted to get access to influential leaders but didn’t know how?

In this episode, you'll learn how to tap into the resources within your network with powerful habits and hacks.

Instead of keeping your head down and doing the work, learn how to gain leverage through proximity. Career success – whether in corporate or entrepreneurial – is accelerated when you have access to the right resources and relationships.

A common misperception about networks is that it’s about taking from others. That’s why so many women struggle with tapping into their networks because they don’t want to be a burden or feel awkward about asking for help.

The truth is your network is built by giving –the more you give, the more your tribe grows. You receive a fraction of the value you create. So if you’re not getting the value you want, focus on the value you need to create for others. When you focus on how you can help others, rather than think about how they can help you, you are able to create value for them.



[01:06] Power of proximity

[04:34] The perspective of abundance

[07:40] How to build a strong community

[09:32] Homework for the week



“If you have a gift to give, then give to as many people as you can.” – Nikki Barua

“Think of your network, not as something you can take from, but rather something you give to.” – Nikki Barua

“It's not about a network. It's simply a relationship and relationships are built on shared values, trust and respect.” – Nikki Barua

“Make a list of 10 people within your reach that you want to get to know.” – Nikki Barua


About Nikki and Monica:

Nikki Barua is a digital innovator, serial entrepreneur, author & speaker.
Monica Marquez is an ex-Googler, diversity expert and senior corporate leader.


Contact Nikki and Monica:


