If you are looking for new career opportunities, then applying for a job online and hoping you get it is not an effective strategy. Regardless of your talent and experience, it’s impossible for hiring managers to spot you in a pool of thousands of candidates. That’s why relationship-based referrals account for 70% of all hires made by employers. Instead of looking for a job, focus on leveraging the power and advocacy of your community.

Community is about belonging and empowerment. Having a engaged community provides access to resources and opportunities that you may not be aware of otherwise. An influential tribe is key to learning, growing, and leveling up together. Successful careers are built on continually growing networks with strong and lasting relationships.

In this episode, you'll learn the 5 essential elements of community so that you can build your tribe and gain their support for your success. You’ll learn how to gain proximity to influential people and networks, how to build a peer group at the next level to help you grow, and how to seek feedback from your community.



[00:59] Definition of community

[02:18] 1 st essential element of community

[03:59] 2nd essential element of community

[05:23] 3rd essential element of community

[06:21] 4th essential element of community

[08:26] 5th essential element of community

[10:05] Nikki’s favorite habit in building community

[11:15] Homework for the week



“Successful careers live and breathe because of the strong relationships and networks that individuals have.” – Monica Marquez

“It's not about who you know, it's about who knows you.” – Nikki Barua

“Define your Dream list, who is within your reach that you want to learn from. And then figure out how you can add value to them.” – Nikki Barua

“When you have proximity to the right people, you get faster results because you are learning through their wisdom and experience.” – Nikki Barua

“There's a difference between mentors and sponsors. Mentors may guide you. But sponsors are the ones that have the decision making ability to influence your career.” – Nikki Barua

“Be intentional in identifying exactly you need mentorship in.” – Nikki Barua

“You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Nikki Barua

“By becoming peers with those at the next level, we start to emulate their habits and their mindset. And then success at that level becomes more accessible.” – Nikki Barua

“Feedback is a gift that someone is giving to you because they care about you.” – Nikki Barua

“When someone cares enough to give you feedback, value their perspective and their opinion, take action on it.” – Nikki Barua

“If you want to earn the trust and respect of people, be the person that does exactly what they say they will.” – Nikki Barua


About Nikki and Monica:

Nikki Barua is a digital innovator, serial entrepreneur, author & speaker.

Monica Marquez is an ex-Googler, diversity expert and senior corporate leader.


Contact Nikki and Monica:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iambeyondbarriers/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beyondbarriersco/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iambeyondbarriers/