Do you find yourself stuck in a situation that is no longer right for you but you’re afraid to make changes? Audrey Bellis, founder of Worthy Women, shares with us why it’s important to focus on what’s good for you, how to step up from a place of service, and why you can’t raise your net worth until you raise your self-worth. In this episode, Audrey shares her personal journey of shedding other people’s expectations and following her own path. She provides practical tips on how to overcome fears, embrace your authentic self, and become a worthy woman.


[02:01] Broken to worthy woman

[02:45] Story of Worth Women

[09:13] Sales is a numbers game

[12:56] Getting past rejection

[19:05] Overcoming your fears

[20:08] Focus on what matters

[24:48] Lean on your community

[27:13] Authenticity fuels success


“People struggle to switch lanes because they are so invested in how it needs to be.” – Audrey Bellis

“Everything you do comes from a place of self-worth. And if you do not feel worthy of asking for the multimillion-dollar sale, you're not going to get it.” – Audrey Bellis

“As a leader, if you don't feel empowered in who you are and have clarity in what you stand for, you won’t be able to lead others. Leadership is a top-down experience.” – Audrey Bellis

“Everything is a numbers game. Integrity is the key.” – Audrey Bellis

“You need to do what's right for you but also give yourself permission that it isn't set in stone and it can change. And that’s okay.” – Audrey Bellis

“Nobody owes you anything. You create your own opportunities.” – Audrey Bellis

“The key to accelerating in a digital world is to stop trying to be like everybody else. Show up as you.” – Audrey Bellis

“The way that we accelerate is being clear and honest with ourselves. It’s our willingness to be vulnerable and have boundaries.” – Audrey Bellis

“You can’t raise your net worth until you raise your self-worth.” – Audrey Bellis

About Audrey Bellis:

As the Founder of StartUp DTLA, Audrey gets to help bring tech and creative companies into Downtown LA during what has been called the ‘downtown renaissance.’ Connecting these companies with office space, resources, and funding has been one of her greatest joys while having the opportunity to help build a city.

While Audrey loves serving the tech community, the #WorthyWomen tribe holds a special place in her heart. Through this platform, she has had the opportunity to not only serve the public, but also been able to work with enterprise leaders and top female executives. Worthy Women is the story of how she found her deepest self-worth and helped women find theirs. You can find Audrey urban exploring across Los Angeles, often with a book under her arm. She is a lover of a well-aged single malt, strong coffee, and her dog Tapatio. 








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