Carbon credits are one of the innovative potential solutions to the climate crisis. Justin Cochrane’s goal is to turn his company, Carbon Streaming, into the world’s largest investor of carbon credits. In this episode, we discuss the process of investing for good, the transitions that Justin has been through on his entrepreneurial journey, and why the people he has surrounded himself with have been integral to the success he has achieved so far!

About Justin Cochrane:

Justin Cochrane has over twenty years of financing and investment experience. He took the learning he acquired from the mining and energy space and is now fully focused on using investments to fight climate change through his ESG-principled company, Carbon Streaming, which provides investors with a way to invest in a low-carbon future. 

Episode highlights:

Being a founder and being a CEO are two very different roles that require very different skill sets, and each comes with its own set of challenges. Don’t assume that because you can do one, you will automatically be able to do the other. (00:37)
Managing all the elements that make up a business is an almost impossible ask for one person (unless you are willing to be permanently burnt out) so building a team around you for support is essential. (02:19)
One of the best ways to find quality people who share your vision is through people you trust. Lean on your mentors and advisors; they can help you find the people who will help your company thrive. (06:35)
As you add more people to your team, your capabilities are enhanced. Allow your vision to evolve as your company grows. Justin’s initial vision was to create a public company in the carbon capture space; now, he wants Carbon Streaming to become the world’s largest investor of carbon credits! (12:11)
The voluntary carbon industry comprises a diverse range of projects (e.g. carbon capture projects, reforestation projects, and energy projects), and the fight against climate change requires 9 trillion dollars of annual investment. If you are passionate about altering our current climate crisis trajectory, there are so many opportunities at your fingertips. (15:43)
For Justin, success means knowing that he has created a business that is sustainable in the long term, even when he is no longer at the helm. (33:17)

Justin’s best advice for entrepreneurs: 

“The mission evolves as the capability of the team evolves.” (14:02) 

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