In this episode of Better World Leaders we talk with renown Human Performance Researcher Dr Adam Fraser. This is a vital conversation for leaders at all levels to tune into, covering the true drivers of leadership performance during times of heightened struggle and stress.Dr Adam Fraser is a peak performance researcher who helps organisations and individuals push beyond their potential. What is unique about his research is that it focuses on how do people go beyond their potential without the collateral damage that normally comes with elite performance.Dr Adam is sought out by organisational leaders across the world in corporations, governments and education bodies for the combination of his devotion to research originated methodologies and his passionate and highly evocative delivery of practical and actionable approaches to improve behaviour and leadership outcomes.Dr Adam is a successful author of 4 books, in-demand speaker typically delivering over 100 keynotes a year, leader of his own consulting business and collaborator with numerous universities across the world on novel research programs.In this conversation we delve deep into leadership performance in our very current time – how leaders are performing during CoVid, how leaders have evolved and continue to show high levels of resilience and adaptability as we all learn how to work and lead in the pandemic. However, there is much work to do several key areas of leadership performance. Firstly self-care and recovery to avoid burnout. And most importantly, in the area of engaging with our teams on topics many of us find troubling – to ‘sit with discomfort’, and what Dr Adam’s current research shows it that many leads suck in this domain.He presents two specific approaches to help us both engage meaningfully in these challenging and confronting exchanges with our teams, our partners, children and even ourselves.If you don’t listen to anything else related to becoming a great leader through the CoVid crisis, listen to this.
Key messages from this episode;- Dr Adam’s research shows that levels of resilience and adaptability have improved, but that self-care, recovery and sitting with discomfort need rapid improvement.- That high performers gain and maintain this capability by the way they manage struggle- That in many ways both parenting styles and education approaches have eroded our ability to sit with discomfort.- Many of us have been incorrectly taught that good emotion is good and good for us, and that bad emotion is bad and bad for us

Get in touch with Dr Adam via any of these points of contact;

Additional resources mentioned in our conversation.- Dr Adam’s August Webinar talks for Educators and Parents click here- Dr Adam’s programs click here
You can also check out Dr Adam’s TEDx talk on the 3rd Space here

As always, great thanks and appreciation to the team who contributed to bringing Better World Leaders to you;To Brendan Ward for production of all audio recordings and composition and performance of original music throughout each episode.To Cooper and the team at RadioHub studios for technical support and creative guidance during the episodes that are recorded face-to-face. You can find out about Radio Hub’s services here - NokNok Studios for website design, hosting and advice. Find out about NokNok’s awesome services here - Cirasa Design for logo and site graphics – Find our about Cirasa’s inspiring work here
You’ll find audio and video recordings for this episode, as well as links to any specific recommendations or related resources mentioned today in the podcast area of
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