As we wrap up the third season of Better World Leaders, as has become our habit, we pause to reflect briefly on the 10 fascinating, inspiring and transformational conversations we've co-created.

In review, 5 emergent themes have become prominent.
Purpose & values - in particular how you link your personal purpose & values to creating a better world, and then progress to link your personal purpose & values to that of the organisation you work within. We have also discussed the benefit of reconsidering what success means to us, and also combining passion and purpose to unlock incredible potential and performance.
Connection - transformation by connection to self, place and work.
Story.- so many examples shared of how story telling has become a vessel through which transformation has occurred for our guests, including me with my story as shared in Ep40, and Anika Molesworth's master class in story telling in Ep41.
Change - transformation is the most powerful form of change. This season has focused on the transformational moments, events and shifts that have brought this season's guests to leading to create a better world.