Looking for some good fitness accountability in Quarantine? The Tone It Up app, co-founded by my guest Karena Dawn, offers you easy at-home workouts, and we discuss a TON of them today's episode of Better Together. We also discussed the growing popularity of CBD, and, she teases the power of CAULIFLOWER in smoothies!? Who knew! Share this post with 5 friends that you know are OBSESSED with smoothies!

 But first, we feature our #GoodNewsMonday story courtesy of @GoodNews_Movement: a montage of a hardworking Lebanese essential worker, as a tribute from his proud, beautiful daughter.


Karena's Socials: @KarenaDawn 

Tone It Up Website: www.toneitup.com

Altwell Website: www.altwell.com

TikTok Trump Imitator: @TheReal_NRP

Booty Bands: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjKt_n-tbnqAhVeGK0GHQGqCbsYABACGgJwdg&sig=AOD64_0irpXPPpWnWtWwostZZ51AMQWGiA&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj4hfP-tbnqAhVOsZ4KHQ87CJsQ0Qx6BAgREAE&adurl=

Cauliflower Smoothie Recipe: https://www.toneitup.com/recipe/this-secret-ingredient-is-going-to-transform-your-smoothie/


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· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/better-together-w-maria/support

Looking for some good fitness accountability in Quarantine? The Tone It Up app, co-founded by my guest Karena Dawn, offers you easy at-home workouts, and we discuss a TON of them today's episode of Better Together. We also discussed the growing popularity of CBD, and, she teases the power of CAULIFLOWER in smoothies!? Who knew! Share this post with 5 friends that you know are OBSESSED with smoothies!

 But first, we feature our #GoodNewsMonday story courtesy of @GoodNews_Movement: a montage of a hardworking Lebanese essential worker, as a tribute from his proud, beautiful daughter.


Karena's Socials: @KarenaDawn 

Tone It Up Website: www.toneitup.com

Altwell Website: www.altwell.com

TikTok Trump Imitator: @TheReal_NRP

Booty Bands: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjKt_n-tbnqAhVeGK0GHQGqCbsYABACGgJwdg&sig=AOD64_0irpXPPpWnWtWwostZZ51AMQWGiA&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj4hfP-tbnqAhVOsZ4KHQ87CJsQ0Qx6BAgREAE&adurl=

Cauliflower Smoothie Recipe: https://www.toneitup.com/recipe/this-secret-ingredient-is-going-to-transform-your-smoothie/


This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app

Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/better-together-w-maria/support