Today I interview Chris Misterek from Showit! As you all know I am a huge fan of Showit and we talk everything from Chris' own design journey, to the Showit design community, to creating websites that convert.

Guest Information:

Guest Name: Chris Misterek

Guest Business Name: Showit

Guest Website:

Links Mentioned:

Sign up for Showit

Spark Conference for Showit Designers

Mec Labs formula: C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a (

Steve Krug Books on Conversion - Don’t Make Me Think & Rocket Surgery Made Easy

Inbox Question:

"How can I sell Showit as my preferred web building platform to clients, even though they might be more aware of platforms like Squarespace and Wordpress?” - Lauren B.

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designer, design, brand design, brand identity design, design studio, design business, graphic design, brand designer, better podcast, brand designer podcast, logo design, brand identity design