In episode 103 of the Better Than Success Podcast host Nicole Purvy talks with speaker, author and certified coach, DaVita Garfield. DaVita credits the many life experiences as the driving force behind her God-given assignment to support other women by encouraging them to overcome any obstacles.


DaVita has been able to fulfill her assignment through her girl's mentoring program, empoWered4Success and through her business empoWermentNOW, a full-service coaching and consulting company that specializes in helping women identify and reach their life goals on purpose and without apology.

empoWermentNOW offers 1 on 1 coaching, group and corporate coaching as well as business, marketing and branding consulting for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

DaVita’s most recent accomplishments include the release of her first self-published book titled Tell the Whole Story: Embrace Your Journey to be Amazing on Purpose, her group coaching program and release of her Achieving your Amazing Goals Planner: 2018 edition.

How to Start a Business While Battling 2 Brain Tumors?

Starting her career in healthcare, Davita always had dreams of owning a business. After setting financial goals, she knew working corporatly wasnt going to satisfy her dream. During the interview DaVita shares her testimonial of being sick for 2 years not knowing or understanding why. After being told by the doctors that nothing was wrong, she continued to go to work every single working day. Davita’s passion and drive couldn’t be stopped by her sickness. Davita then found out she had a brain tumor.

Being sick, having a brain tumor, experiencing anxiety and depression could not get in the way of Davita’s dream to become a full-time entrepreneur.

Shortly after gettin well Davita made the decesion to leave her corporate job and start her business. While beginning this process and learning that she had another brain tumor only inspired her more.

She began to use her testimony to talk to other women and helping them figure out what their dreams are and how they can live up to those dreams. Combining her marketing and business skills into her skill she implented her plan of business and got her certification in coaching. “Make the plan. The plan doesnt happen unless you believe it will.”

Davita is now the founder of empoWermentNOW, LLC coaching and consulting services speacializing in inspiring new entrepreneurs.


Contact information:

Instagram: davita_empowermentnow
