In this episode of the Better Than Success Podcast host Nicole Purvy shares how she chose her personal board of directors that influenced her biggest business decisions of her life.   

How to chose your own personal board of directors?

Having a personal board of directors can be a huge part in your individual growth as well as business growth. A personal board of directors are a group of people who have a influence on how you do business.  These are the people that help guide you when making decesions. In this episode of the BTS podcast Nicole explains her very own personal journey within her own business (Better Than Success and the Better Than Success Real Estate League) and the transition it is currently taking. Nicole exaplains “Sometimes you have to stop doing things you dont like to do in order to get to where you want to be”. As real estate has taken off, she had to shift her business with the help of her board of directors.

Using a personal board of directors to guide and help make important decsions such as the decesion Nicole had to make to stop doing websites as a service. Your personal board of directors are not meant to tell you what to do but they are meant to help you to be able to see any problem from all angles. They help you to indentify areas of consideration that you may not have considered because of a narrow point of view. While chosing a personal board of directors you need to have a variety of people ranging in professions, demographics, personality types, and personalities. By having a mixture of these four factors you are able to get direction from different people on different scenarios. You need to have someone who is soft-spoken as well as a firecracker. By having to opposite personalities you are able to get the balance you need versus having one side from one personality type. For example, you do not only want passive people to be on your board of directors because you will only get a certain response from that specific personality.

Nicole also meantions three personality types (maven, salesperson and connector). She mentions these three types to illustrate the importance of types of people that will have an influence on you and your business. Even though all three personality types are very important, you need to be able to distinguish each persons gift. The next thing to take into factor when chosing your board of directors is each persons communication  style.

Here is the example Nicole used in this episode describing the communications style on the bird diagram:

Communication style

Eagle: Dominant, direct, results-oriented, makes quick decisions, bottom-line focused

Parrot: Interactive, optimistic, enthusiastic, group-oriented, energetic, humorous

Owl: Conscientious, process-driven, detail-oriented, logical, questioning, organized

Dove: Supportive, good listener, relationship-oriented, considerate, patient, consistent

This is a very effective way to have a variety of people on you team because communication is key. Your board of directors have opinions and advice that will help define their personal point at a business standpoint and it is imporant to be able to understand their outlook and where they are coming from. Nicole wraps up the podcast warning everyone to be catious with your personal board of directors to know that these people are in your corner and will always have an opinion but to be sure to remember that their advice is opionated and they may not even be an expert at eveything so keep that in mind while decesion making.

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