In episode 147 of the Better Than Success Podcast, We are debuting a new format for a new podcast that we will be launching, "The Better Than Success Real Estate And Business Ownership News Brief".  This is episode 2 of the new podcast.  After episode 3, please find the series on its own podcast. We would love to hear your feedback.  Dm us at @betterthansucces or @nicolepurvy on IG


Find each article mentioned in this episode below...

1. Want to own an apartment building? Buy a distressed hotel for pennies on the dollar

2. DC - Record-breaking demand for warehouse and real estate development

3. Investors Betting Big On Single-Family Rentals

4. Rental Landlords Lost $7.2B In Q4 From Missed Rent Payments

5. Apartment Developers Increasing Unit Sizes For New Projects In Response To Pandemic

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