WIRE or The Women in Real Estate Summit 2017 brought to you by Better Than Success, is a one-day intensive real estate investing summit featuring a line-up of all star women real estate investors. On Oct 28th 2018 we held our first annual summit. We closed the event out with a live podcast interview of Ayesha Selden by the BTS podcast host Nicole Purvy. Listen to the interview here!

Ayesha Selden is a private wealth advisor with a Fortune 500 company that is among the top 25 largest asset managers in the world. In 1998, while pursuing an Economics and Marketing degree at Temple University’s Fox School of Business, Ayesha was introduced to the financial services industry—via banking. She started her career with her firm in 2000 and has had various roles within her organization over the years, including financial advisor, district
manager and the first female African-American Field Vice President in the firm’s history.
Ayesha’s passion is disciplined investing. In addition to investments in equities, Ayesha primarily invests in real estate throughout the city of Philadelphia and suburbs. Following the housing crisis of 2008/2009, Ayesha added almost two dozen properties to her real estate

Ayesha serves as a board member on two organizations in Philadelphia. The first board she joined is Holy Redeemer Health System’s Drueding Center, which serves to break the cycle of poverty in homeless women and their children. Her second board, College Possible, helps Philadelphia high school students take the necessary steps to get accepted and then transition to college.