In this episode of the Better Than Success Podcast, your host Nikki Purvy talks with personal and professional development life coach Lucinda Cross. Lucinda Cross is a best-selling author, Award winning and internationally known speaker, spokesperson and energetic teacher of personal and professional development. In 2006, she started the brand Activate Your Life Today! and is the President of Activate WorldWide Inc. a leadership services firm that specializes in the delivery of personal and professional development enrichment programs. She has been featured a guest on shows from The Today Show to Dr. Oz and seen in publications such as Essence Magazine and Ebony Magazine.

In our interview with Lucinda Cross she drops some amazing jewels on how to Activate Your Life Now and how she helps amazing entrepreneurs such as yourself get started. She gets down to the nitty-gritty on how procrastination can be your ultimate downfall unless you learn how to master your mindset, so that your not just allowing life to happen. Lucinda has taken the world’s best kept secrets and helped them to gain exposure. She has assisted numerous Reality TV Stars with understanding how to maximize and monetize their rise to stardom. Lucinda instills in her clients two main principles utilizing 5 Pillars of Excellence:


Master Your Mindset
What is the Root of Your Business



Lucinda uses her best practices such as workshops and mentoring to help her clients master goal setting and how to complete them through great time management, productivity, and communication skills. Annually on September 19th and 20th Lucinda hosts the Activate Conference where she brings fellow masterminds together to gather more fuel their engines. Each conference is NEVER THE SAME! This years theme is entitled “ All or Nothing,” and will be held at Howard University. Last years turn out was about 300 people. This year Lucinda hopes to keep things a bit more intimate, but is well aware that the attendees will be about 300 plus and she welcomes you all. She also has a free event coming up in May that will be hosted in New York City. Listen to this episode to find out how Lucinda built a business on the lifestyle she wanted to live by becoming her first client and mastering her mindset.

To learn more about Lucinda Cross and Activate Worldwide visit:

And follow her on social media

Twitter: @Lucindaspeaks

IG: LucindaCross

FB: LucindaCrossSpeaks

Youtube: virtuallucinda

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