Hello Listeners. This is difficult to tell you. The main podcast isn't quite cutting it for me. It's hard to say because I know you and I both value the guests and conversations we have had over the last year.  I do not want to diminish the super fun time we have had and please know the regular show is not going anywhere. 
 However, I started this podcast to help myself and others as we are leveling up, fulfilling our potential, to sort out the wildness as it it happening. But what I didn't expect was that with each interview there are moments when the guest and I don't seem to be speaking the same language. There is always a divide between us that prevents us from communicating as deeply as I envision. It doesn't seem to be an aptitude issue, all of my guests have been quite eloquent and I don't FEEL that I have missed the opportunity to take the conversations deeper. Maybe, If I HAVE missed opportunities, it was because I was censoring myself, preventing myself from crossing some line that I deem to be to far. 
 In either case, this doesn't sit well with me. I feel as though, if we are aligned with the idea that we are all one, contributing our unique experience back to the collective, Then shouldn't we be willing to speak with each other as openly as we speak with ourselves?  
 I asked Time Vant (Cosmic Threader) to join me in an experiment, to see what that would look like to speak to each other as if we were speaking to ourselves. If you heard or watched our previous episode, you know that Tim is a comedian and also a deep thinker so it was interesting to see the difference between the two conversations. They are very different but also very good. 
 I hoe you enjoy this, please comment on what ever platform you consume this on and let me know if you would like to see more of these.

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