At some point in this conversation, Matt asks the question "Do you fight or do you die?" Naturally, this sent me on a mental tangent. It all comes down to attention and power, doesn't it? The power to be fought against only has power because people pay attention to it. Ok? So what then? What do we do with that information? I say we DO. Do what needs to be done to get us all through this wild place that is the 21st century so far. Build up our communities. Make as many win-win transactions as possible. Teach each other. Learn from each other. And as always, use our magnificent imaginations to help build a world we want to live in. It might become a fight, but it doesn't have to. 
So maybe that is where we are: Do or Die. 
Also, chicken butt.
Matt Raymer is CTO for Content Safe, the content distribution platform that sends your posts to various platforms, making sure your content is available, even if it is removed from major platforms. And the best part is you don't have to do all the uploading yourself! If you could use help with managing your uploads, check these guys out. They are here to support your internet presence!

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