You’ve likely heard of or even know a broadcaster burned by the image copyright police.  Someone on their team copied an image from a Google search and used it in a news post a few years ago, and that image ended up costing the radio station thousands of dollars in royalty fees.  Some broadcasters have heard these stories and decided to remove images from their website altogether. Or, perhaps their team doesn’t have the time or resources to include them.  Not including
images on your radio station website could be a disastrous mistake. 

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Here are some reasons why images are crucial to everything
you create online.

Images Instantly Capture Attention
Images Reinforce Your Message
Images Improve Retention and Understanding
Images Enhance User Engagement
Emotional Impact

Where to Source Images for Your Website

Stock Photo Websites: Shutterstock, Unsplash, Envato Elements, and Pexels offer high-quality images. While some come with a licensing fee, plenty of free options exist. Just make sure to follow the usage guidelines. 

In-House Creation: Recommendations include police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, town buildings, schools, and other local landmarks.  If a story breaks, you’ll have the image in your database to pull from. 

AI-Generated Content: Tools like MidjourneyDall-E, and Adobe Firefly 
are some options to get you started. 

Creative Commons Search: Websites like Wikimedia Commons
and Flickr offer many images under various Creative Commons licenses. Again, make sure you adhere to the licensing requirements.

Hire a Photographer: The next time the station has an
event, look for photographers covering the event and ask if they’d be
interested in a trade deal. 

Start exploring some of these avenues for sourcing images and take your content to the next level.  And remember to always give credit to where you procured the images.  This is vitally important.

The next time you’re about to publish an article, event, or whatever, please remember that a well-chosen image can make a world of