Changing a company or product name in a rebrand is a big decision. That’s because renames are usually seen as a way to cement a changed identity. But what if we told you that names are only as valuable as what we build around them? We’re exploring the concept through the recent Square-to-Block rename, and what to consider when putting a name to your own product. 

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Names are significant, but what you build around them matters more.  It’s the burden of brand & positioning to make a name mean something.  Big Tech names are trending towards generic words—but does that actually limit creativity for others? 

Things To Listen For:

[1:00] How Meghan & Christian got their own names 

[2:30] A name change isn’t just about a word; it’s about an evolved identity

[2:50] What really matters to a name is the strength of your brand & positioning 

[3:00] Good names don’t have to make sense, but they should be memorable...

[4:00] …and what you do with your name usually matters more than the meaning

[5:20] Introducing the Square story through a book, The Innovation Stack 

[6:20] Why Square chose the new name Block

[9:30] An established name should influence how you think about brand & product 

[10:20] Why there’s no “one way” to name your company 

[11:00] It’s the burden of brand & positioning to make names mean something 

[11:15] Revisiting the Mailchimp & Surveymonkey rebrand 

[14:00] Names don’t always reflect the product—and that’s OK 

[15:00] Names tend to evolve with how they’ll be used 

[15:45] When it might be time for a company to consider a rename 

[17:00] Understanding how names and renames can influence growth 

[19:00] Are current trends in Big Tech names “land grabs”? 

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