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Becoming a great presenter and speaker is something that many, if not all, business people aspire to be but the majority don't achieve it simply because they were various reasons don't take that first step, deliver that first presentation or do that first public speaking engagement.

In this episode Sam Thiara shares his story from becoming a nervous, not very good (his view) presenter into being a global speaker.

Sam is a speaker, educator, coach, writer and community do-gooder

In this episode Sam shares top tips and great advice on how to deliver really engaging presentations based around storytelling

Sam shares his CARPE acronym as a way of helping you to create your presentation

The five steps of the acronym are Curiosity, Appreciation, Reflection, Perspectives and Experience

Sam talks about how he found it difficult to deliver his first ever presentation and how he could have easily given up at that point but decided to keep going and recognise that the more times he presented the better he was going to get.

For those who haven’t delivered a presentation Sam advises to potentially be part of a presenting panel so it’s not just you but it’s you and your colleagues so you will feel less exposed.

I always ask guests for a couple of top tips to finish the recording and Sam’s were as follows:

Find the opportunities to be a speaker and talk about something you are comfortable with and knowledgeable about

And secondly integrate stories into your presentation - particularly if you are delivering sales pitch type presentations as doing so will move it from feeling as though its transactional to transformational because your prospective client is more likely to say yes to your pitch if it’s going to transform their business

Finally Sam shared his catchline: ‘If everyone’s life is an autobiography make yours worth reading’

You can find Sam here 

And on Linked In 

And check out his TedX talk here 'Discovering the Extraordinary within the Ordinary' as well as his book Personal Storytelling: Discovering the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

This is episode 201 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast -  the previous 200 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link

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