Several years ago I was fortunate to sometime at the Ashridge Business School in the UK on a couple of leadership programmes and this week I was working with someone and I referred to the 6 keywords that I took from those programmes:

Get RealGet ConnectedGet Help

In this episode and challenging the listeners to see where they are with those six keywords for themselves and their business because we live in different times where we need to be realistic about the situation we are in, it is probably more important than ever to make and maintain connections and we are going to go forward we need to make sure that we bring in some help, particularly those areas of our businesses that do need some expert input.

If you would like to come on the show and share tips and ideas that will help people grow sales and deliver better presentations than do drop me a line to: [email protected] – you can also find videos of some of the podcasts I had with guests on via this link : Podcast Guest Videos
And if you like the show please do share it, comment on it via LinkedIn and on your podcast app please leave a review

Here's how you can connect with me, Trevor Lee, and find out more about how I can help you deliver confident and successful presentations and sales pitches.

15 Minute Free 'How can I help you' Zoom call:


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