Helping unhoused people is often divisive and politicized work that doesn't have a lot of easy solutions. So, what can we do to help? 

As with many things, it starts with relationship. While I don't have all the answers, I do know we all need to start listening to people like Kevin Nye. Kevin has worked directly with our unhoused neighbors in a number of capacities and has an invaluable perspective that transcends party lines and challenges our preconceived notions. In our conversation, Kevin unpacks his experience and really paints a picture of what help and humanization can look like. He is brilliant, and I loved talking to him. He also gets the first non-musical "Non-Judgment Zone of Joy" intro. 

Please read Kevin's book:, subscribe to his newsletter and support him generally. Truly a good dude. If you want to continue the conversation, check out our Facebook Group!


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