Dr. K talks with Meg Wallhagen, PhD, about hearing aids and other ways to help people with hearing loss. They cover the role of audiology, key questions to ask, who shouldn’t get a hearing aid, other treatment options, and much more.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K talks about hearing aids and other ways to address hearing loss with Meg Wallhagen, PhD, Professor of Gerontological Nursing at UCSF’s School of Nursing. She is a nationally recognized expert on hearing loss and has been on the board of the Hearing Loss Association of America since 2010. This episode is Part 2 of a two-part series on hearing loss. They discuss:

Why people may be entitled to workplace accommodations to address hearing loss

What should take place during an initial audiology evaluation

How audiologists adjust and fit hearing aids, and what to expect from a good audiology provider

What to expect from using hearing aids

Common hearing aid options to consider, & how to choose a hearing aid

Why it’s good to get a hearing aid with a telecoil

Why the brain needs time to adjust to hearing aids & why it’s essential to use them regularly

Who shouldn’t get hearing aids

Why a “Pocket Talker” can be a good option for people with dementia

Other alternatives to hearing aids, such as special phones

Why it’s important to address hearing loss sooner rather than later

Other simple ways to improve communication with older adults with hearing loss

Recent developments in over-the-counter hearing aids and personal sound amplification products (PSAPs)

Related episode: 

094 – Interview: Hearing Loss in Aging: Why It Matters & Getting Evaluated

Related Resources:

Professor Wallhagen’s Brochure (for people affected by hearing loss):

Hearing Helps Us Stay Connected to Others

UCSF Audiology: The Speech Banana

Medicare.gov: Hearing & balance exams & hearing aids

Mayo Clinic: Hearing aids, How to choose the right one

The Hurdles to Getting Hearing Aids

Hearing Loss Association of America:

Hearing Loss Basics

A Guide to Understanding Hearing Loops (includes info on telecoils)

Find a Local Chapter


Congress Approves Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

Hearing Care Program: Captioned Telephone


Hearing & Speech Center (San Francisco)

National Academies: Hearing Health Care for Adults: Priorities for Improving Access and Affordability

Better Health While Aging:

4 Key Things to Know About Age-Related Hearing Loss

Professor Wallhagen’s Research:

Hearing Loss Education for Older Adults in Primary Care Clinics: Benefits of a Concise Educational Brochure
The Stigma of Hearing Loss
Hearing impairment: significant but underassessed in primary care settings
Impact of Self-Assessed Hearing Loss on a Spouse: A Longitudinal Analysis of Couples


Transcript: Click here.
Note from Dr. K: We don’t have the funds to transcribe most podcast episodes, but we decided to transcribe Professor Wallhagen’s episodes, to make them more accessible to anyone experiencing hearing loss.

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