Dr. K shares four approaches that help family caregivers talk to older parents who are resisting help. She explains how to better listen, how to balance safety against other goals, when to consider cognitive impairment, and much more.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K explains four things family caregivers should try, for better conversations with older parents who are resisting help. She covers:

How cognitive problems often complicate family conversations

The importance of hearing and validating an older person’s emotions

How to discuss an older person’s goals, and why safety shouldn’t automatically be the top priority

Ways to respond when an older parent voices “unrealistic” goals, such as never having help at home

Why it’s important for family caregivers to identify their own fears and desires, when it comes to aging parents

Related episode: 

022 – QA: Helping a Paranoid Older Parent and Checking Safety

Related Resources:

4 Things to Do When Your Parents Are Resisting Help

8 Behaviors to Take Note of If You Think Someone Might Have Alzheimer’s

Being Mortal: Medicine & What Matters in the End

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