Dr. K covers three reasons every older adult should have a home BP monitor. She also explains what to ask the doctor after BP medications have been changed, how often to check, what monitor to consider purchasing, and much more.
The post 016 3 Reasons You Should Have a Home Blood Pressure Monitor appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K explains why most older adults should have a home blood pressure monitor. She covers:

3 key ways that a home blood pressure (BP) monitor often helps older adults get better healthcare
Why it’s essential to always record pulse along with BP
What is orthostatic hypotension, how it relates to falls, and which medications often cause it
What kinds of health problems can cause a heart rate that is much higher than usual
How a home BP monitor can help when you call a medical telephone advice line
What to ask the doctor after a BP medication has been changed
How often to check blood pressure, if you have a home BP monitor
How to choose a home blood pressure monitor to buy
Which Omron home blood pressure monitor she recommends and why

Related Resources:

3 Ways a Home Blood Pressure Monitors Help Older Adults
Choosing & Using a Home Blood Pressure Monitor, & What to Ask the Doctor
Omron Home Blood Pressure Monitor with Bluetooth: 786N
New Blood Pressure Study: What to Know About SPRINT-Senior & Other Research
Call to Action on Use and Reimbursement for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: Executive Summary: A Joint Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension, and Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association

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The post 016 3 Reasons You Should Have a Home Blood Pressure Monitor appeared first on Better Health While Aging.