Dr. K talks with e-Patient Dave deBronkart about surviving cancer and the patient empowerment movement. They discuss how becoming "equipped, enabled, and engaged" leads to better healthcare, how to find good information online and from other patients, why some doctors are uncomfortable with proactive patients, and much more. Helpful resources and show notes at BetterHealthWhileAging.net.
The post 006 Interview: Surviving Cancer & Better Healthcare Through Being an e-Patient appeared first on Better Health While Aging.

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In This Episode:

Dr. K talks with “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart, a co-founder of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Dave is a well-known advocate for improving healthcare by encouraging people to become “equipped, enabled, and empowered” when it comes to their own healthcare. They discuss:

How getting information from an online patient community helped Dave survive a usually fatal cancer
What is an “e-patient,” and why being proactive leads to better healthcare
Why public access to health information is creating a sea change in the practice of medicine
How the patients’ rights movement is creating a culture change that some doctors find threatening
Why it’s better for patients and doctors to act as partners and “share the knowledge”
Practical tips on getting more informed regarding your own (or your family member’s) healthcare
What kinds of doctors to avoid, and how to get a second opinion

Related Resources:

e-Patient Dave’s books:

Let Patients Help! A patient engagement handbook
Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig: How an Empowered Patient Beat Stage IV Cancer (and what healthcare can learn from it)

About the patient empowerment movement

ePatient Dave: voice of the patient
e-Patients.net blog
Society for Participatory Medicine website

Practical resources to participate more in healthcare

Center for Advancing Health: Be A Prepared Patient
How to Age Better by Optimizing Chronic Conditions: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 4

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The post 006 Interview: Surviving Cancer & Better Healthcare Through Being an e-Patient appeared first on Better Health While Aging.