Dr. K explains why she always recommends that older adults and families keep their own copies of key health information, in a personal health record (PHR). Learn five common healthcare pitfalls you can avoid by having a PHR, the most useful health information to keep copies of, tips on getting medical information more easily, and more. Show notes and useful links at BetterHealthWhileAging.net/podcast
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In This Episode:

Dr. K explains why she always recommends that older adults and families keep their own copies of key health information. She covers:

Why this proactive approach — which is also known as maintaining a personal health record (PHR) helps older adults get better healthcare from doctors
The five common healthcare pitfalls that you can avoid or minimize, by maintaining a PHR
What health information is most useful to request and why
Options for organizing and keeping health information
Why it’s good to bring a paper copy of relevant health information to doctors’ visits, and other tips on bringing medical information to doctors

Related episode: 006 Expert Interview: Surviving Cancer & Better Healthcare Through Being an e-Patient

Related Resources:

10 Useful Types of Medical Information to Bring to a New Doctor

How to Use a Personal Health Record to Improve an Older Person’s Healthcare

Tools for Caregivers: Keeping & Organizing Medical Information

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The post 007 How a Personal Health Record Helps You Be Proactive appeared first on Better Health While Aging.