Our guest this week is Dr. Marvin Singh.


Join us as we discuss how to reduce inflammation in the gut, thereby reducing inflammation throughout the body. Dr. Singh came to medicine in a more conventional sense and felt frustrated at the amount of inflammatory issues he was seeing in patients but wasn’t treating successfully. It was his incessant curiosity that led him to a more holistic and integrative way of treating patients. We talk about how the gut microbiome can affect inflammation in the whole body and how you can reverse that process by making small changes over time. 


Dr. Marvin Singh practices Integrative Gastroenterologist in San Diego, is a diplomat of The American Board of Integrative Medicine, board-certified Internist and Gastroenterologist. Dr. Singh was trained by Dr. Andrew Weil, a pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Singh is currently a voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSD in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health. He is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, American College of Lifestyle medicine, and the True Health Initiative among many other societies. He's co-editor of the Textbook of Integrative Gastroenterology, Second Edition, and has already written several book chapters and articles. 


Episode Takeaways:

Acute vs. Chronic Inflammation

Acute inflammation is good, the body is doing its job Chronic inflammation is not good - often comes from the gut and microbiome being compromised. 70% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract When there’s a problem in the microbiome it can’t regulate inflammation

Causes of inflammation

Stress One of the worst offenders Decreases motility in the gut - The body takes the focus off of daily mechanisms like motility so you can become constipated, bloated, nauseous, etc. Constant fight or flight mode is harmful to your health Poor sleep Without the proper time to rest and reset, our body can’t work at full capacity and protect us from chronic inflammation Not eating enough healthy real foods  Eating a lot of processed foods and sugar can cause inflammation Try to reduce these things a little at a time in a way that is manageable for you Not being social with others We are social organisms, we thrive on community, love, and compassion Even one trusted person in your life can make a different because even our microbiome is wired for connectedness Microorganisms in our body can release dopamine, GABA, increase plasma levels of oxytocin  Not enough movement You don’t have to become a marathon runner or weightlifter, try adding a bit more walking to your day then, over time, explore other kinds of workouts like dancing, group classes with friends, yoga, jogging, etc. 


Starting points for changing the way you eat:

Food:  Making small changes in the direction of progress is the best way to start You don’t have to throw out your whole program, make a small change to one meal a day for a while, then two meals, then three etc.  Grocery shop on saturday and on sunday chop all the veggies, this increases your chances of eating vegetables throughout the week Get the kids involved. Exposure to new foods and learning why they are good for you gives them a unique connection to the food

Inspiration for change:

Pleasure, Purpose, Pride - these are the 3 things that make you who you are What brings you Pleasure in your life?  What is your Purpose, what makes you get out of bed, what lights your fire?  What are you proud of in life? After you answer these questions briefly, hang them up on your mirror and reflect on them every morning. The 3 P’s can inspire change! 


Where to learn more about Marvin Singh

Website Instagram Facebook YoutTube Podcast


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