Join us as we discuss the microbiome and hormone connection for women as they age. No, women do NOT have to suffer greatly through perimenopause and menopause. That’s not “normal” or  “just how it is” and that’s not how it has to be. Dr. Anna Cabeca shares how she came to understand how much of the suffering in perimenopause and menopause can be eliminated with the right protocols to support your hormones and overall health. 

On today’s episode, we discuss the inner workings of the vaginal microbiome and the gut microbiome and how they are directly related to hormones.  Dr. Cabeca tells us that if we can better support our hormones when they are going through changes, we will feel much better. You’ll learn several ways in which you can support your own journey through these stages of change. In some cases, you can even reverse early onset perimenopause or menopause. 


Dr. Anna Cabeca, a triple board-certified, Emory University trained physician and hormone expert was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38. Devastated, she set out on a personal wellness journey to reverse her menopause side effects, which resulted in her delivery of a healthy baby girl at the age of 41.  

After experiencing her own health successes, Dr. Cabeca began counseling others, ultimately changing the lives of thousands of women across the globe. Her new book “The Hormone Fix” and other empowering transformation programs have helped women of all ages become their best selves again. Her successful line of all-natural products features the alkaline superfoods drink Mighty Maca® PLUS and the rejuvenating vulva cream Julva®.



Reversing early Perimenopause and Menopause

If you notice brain fog, hot flashes, limited sleep a night, irritability, weight gain, mood swings you might be experiencing early perimenopause In many cases, this can be reversed. But your doctor likely won’t tell you that, they might not even know this is possible.  In order to do this, the body needs specific support from you Nutrition, Dr. Cabecas talks about KetoGreen and intermittent fasting in the book Supplementation  (see Dr. Cabecas KetoGreen and The Hormone Fix book)  Lowering stress as much as you can is helpful too

Importance of the gut microbiome in perimenopause and menopause

When patients come in with perimenopausal symptoms: PMS, irregular bleeding, irritability, sleeplessness, however many of these symptoms can be reversed once they improve their gut health.  A nutritional detox supporting liver function, a plant-based alkalizing diet (which supports the microbiome) helps balance the hormones, patients say “I’m 90% better” after 6 weeks or so The KetoGreen Way is a protocol that is very helpful for women in this stage of life.  Intermittent fasting is also an excellent strategy for improving these symptoms and hormone function  No Snacking please! Snacking can really throw off proper hormone function and digestion as well Do not drink while you eat, let your stomach acid do its thing!  So the biggest takeaways are intermittent fasting, healthy fats, healthy protein, lots of greens

Importance of the vaginal microbiome in perimenopause and menopause

The vaginal microbiome is directly related to perimenopause and menopause symptoms The number one thing that is common that women do and have been told to do is douching, and that is absolutely the most devastating thing for the vaginal microbiome A lot of the products that are marketed to women, particularly as they get older, when they are dealing with vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, etc. are products that are filled with chemicals and microbiome-disrupting things that actually seem to make the problem worse Tampon trauma, using dehydrating soaps, sprays, and feminine washes all disrupt our vaginal microbiome Many of the products will dehydrate, will cause further irritation, and can have chemical sensitivities or endocrine disruptors as they are, and we have to remember the vagina is an amazing organ that has such vascularity to it. Huge blood flow, great muscle and collagen potential. Anything we put near the vagina, the vulva, can be absorbed into the bloodstream A product like Julva can help restore balance in the vagina as well as DHEA

Can you reverse incontinence?

The number one reason caregivers put their loved ones in a nursing home is incontinence In many cases, incontinence can be improved or even reversed with the right strategies  Using bioidentical hormone therapy, vaginal probiotics, Julva, and working with a practitioner who understands how to strengthen this area, can help reverse incontinence.


00:02:04 Anna’s experience with early perimenopause

00:07:00 Importance of gut & vaginal microbiome in perimenopause and menopause

00:12:42 Don’t use products that disrupt the vaginal microbiome

00:20:38 Fasting for a better microbiome

00:23:50 Why the microbiome thrives on greens

Connect with Anna:

Website: Books: Instagram: @drannacabeca Facebook: Twitter: @AnnaCabeca


Connect with Kiran and Dr. Beurkens:

Website: Dr. Nicole Website: Instagram: better.biome Facebook: better biome Instagram: Dr. Nicole Instagram: Kiran Krishnan