More Bibles, more options. Step 5 in how to be a better Bible reader is all about supplementing! And while we talked last time about expanding the books we read in the Bible, we will now talk about  supplementing the kind of Bible(s) we use!

After expanding the question might come up, but what else is there to do? And that's what step number five is all about. Supplementing. I hope that so far, you're really seeing the value of opening up possibilities for how you read the Bible. This next step is similar to our previous one, except we're talking about expanding in a different way. We're moving from expansion of content to expansion of platform, which I like to call supplementation. So here's another fact for you. The average American who owns at least one Bible actually owns three or four Bibles. So if you have one Bible, you have more than one, most likely this could include the ones that are scattered throughout your house vehicle, or even electronic Bibles, which we all have access to. If you're listening to this and chances are that these Bibles are different from one another.

I highly doubt you have the same exact Bible in multiple copies. You might have a King James version and an NIV Bible. You might have a single column Bible and a study Bible, but here's what I want you to know. More Bibles equals more options. There are hundreds of different types of Bibles. And while it's true that some aren't so good either by type or translation, most Bibles are very good. And if you have multiple types of Bibles, my encouragement to you is to supplement that is making use of all of them. If you don't have a Bible, or if you only have one Bible and find a good Bible and follow that process by finding more good Bibles. So for example, let's pick up on all of our conversations. We've had previous to this and build on them. Study Bible is good for books of the Bible that are unfamiliar to you, such as Leviticus.

A study Bible is going to have notes from somebody who has spent dozens, maybe even hundreds of hours studying that particular book, someone who can help you understand what you're reading. I like to think of study Bibles like a mini class or a sermon that's attached to the page. They aid your reading of the Bible. The notes and insights are helpful to all of them, but they shouldn't be the only way that we read the Bible just as a Sunday morning class or a sermon, shouldn't be our own experience with the Bible study. Bibles should not be our only experience, but they're a great experience for a different type of reading experience. You could do the opposite of what a study Bible has. You can actually find a Bible that not only doesn't have notes, but even hides chapter numbers, verse numbers, and paragraph headings for a reading experience that's left with just the text of scripture itself.

A great example of this is the ESV reader's Bible, which I absolutely love. This helps you for larger portions of scripture. If you're wanting to read an entire book of the Bible in one sitting, for example, you're not going to get distracted with study notes and verse numbers and highlights. And what once might've seen too complicated. If you're trying to do this all with one Bible becomes much more easier and logical. When you expand into using multiple kinds of Bibles. Another thing that sets Bibles apart is the kind of translation. If you've supplemented your Bible type supplement your Bible translation, you'll be surprised how much of your knowledge of the Bible will be increased if you start being acquainted with John three 16, not only in the King James version, but also the ESV or the NIV. What w

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