After a significant brake from creating any podcasts I have sorted myself out and creating the first of my monthly podcasts! AND I have full plans on how I am actually going to make it happen!!! By getting help!

My love for talking and podcast hasn't gone away - but my ability to focus on them and get them out into the world had significantly diminished.  There is nothing easier then crawling back under the rock from whence you came when you are in charge of you.  So whenever I do complete something I am very proud.

I have overthought and underproduced enough to get to the f*ck it stage and just do it - warts and all.  

So welcome back to my little piece of the world. I am entertained by it daily - I hope you enjoy moments of it. 

Better Being Me - Neurodiverse Family Therapy 

IG: @betterbeingme_bbme

FB: @betterbeingme