Have you experienced a “life apocalypse” event? What are the steps to overcoming and making the most of a life apocalypse event? How has the pandemic encouraged a massive shift in people’s approaches to life? In this podcast episode, Billy and Brandy Eldridge speak with Jim Kukral about life defining apocalypses. Meet Jim Kukral For […]

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Have you experienced a “life apocalypse” event? What are the steps to overcoming and making the most of a life apocalypse event? How has the pandemic encouraged a massive shift in people’s approaches to life?

In this podcast episode, Billy and Brandy Eldridge speak with Jim Kukral about life defining apocalypses.

Meet Jim Kukral

For 25-years Jim Kukral has been writing books (10), keynote speaking (150+), and building successful lifestyle businesses as a marketing entrepreneur.

But the pandemic and a near-death diagnosis of colon cancer changed everything for him in 2020, so he threw away all his past success to start something completely different, a new brand called Life Apocalypse.

As an almost fifty-year-old successful businessman, husband, and father of two, Jim realized that he needed to spend his remaining days on this planet helping people figure out how to live a life of significance, impact, and purpose. Jim created Life Apocalypse to help people like him who are thinking about legacy, death, lifestyle, and life purpose.

Visit Jim Kukral’s website and connect with him on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and LinkedIn.

FREEBIE: Take Jim’s Free Text Based Life Apocalypse Challenge

In This Podcast

22 minutes to a life apocalypse
What is a life apocalypse?
Life is changing
The steps to overcoming a life apocalypse event

22 minutes to a Life Apocalypse

When Jim was diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and scheduled for operation, he was left alone in a hallway before his operation started for 22 minutes.

I was in my thoughts for 22 minutes. I [didn’t] think about the money or things like that. I thought, “what did I leave for my family in terms of legacy?” Meaning, what are my kids going to remember me by? (Jim Kukral)

That period of reflection, in the face of not knowing if he would survive, brought incredible insight into his life.

During those 22 minutes, Jim reconnected with the things that he realized were actually the most important in life, for him, and probably for other people as well.

Those 22 minutes were really the most important in my life because they allowed me to look and really think about what meant the most to me. (Kim Kukral)

Most people will experience this moment in life, where – due to life-threatening circumstances or unforeseen challenges – they realize what is truly important to them in this world. That is a life apocalypse event.

What is a Life Apocalypse?

Apocalypse is not only about zombies. It is also about a revolution and revelations.

These are what I call life apocalyptic events. A life apocalypse is a transitional moment in your life that’s usually not self-imposed that greatly directs how your life will move forward. (Jim Kukral)

Everyone will experience a life apocalypse at some point in their lives.

These can be positive moments such as the birth of your children, as well as negative moments, such as being diagnosed with cancer.

After traumatic experiences, people can experience post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. What they can also experience is post-traumatic growth, PTG.

When you change your mindset and think about how you can grow from a trauma, you can learn to change your life for the better after each moment of struggle.

Life is changing

Throughout the world, millions of people have experienced life apocalypses due to the pandemic, both good and bad. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in changes in lifestyles.

Everybody has shifted … the world has shifted, their brains have shifted, and they’re not going back to the way it was before. (Jim Kukral)

More people have sold their cars and houses, quit their jobs, live on the road, make art, pursue their passions, and have finally started to create the lifestyles that they want for themselves instead of slogging away at what is expected of them.

The steps to overcoming a life apocalypse event

1 – Mindset: people think they always have more time than they have in life to do the things they want to do. Get your mindset right and move forward.

2 – Lifestyle: decide to change your life by changing your style of living. Can you let go of fear and change your approach to experiencing life?

3 – Impact: the good we do today becomes the happiness of tomorrow. What is the impact you are leaving and creating for the people who will come after you?

4 – Purpose: what are you doing that you can share with others to improve life as a whole?

Useful links:

BOOK | Jim Kukral – Your Very Own Life Apocalypse: A Post-Pandemic Roadmap to Living Well Before You Die! [Coming 2022]
BOOK | William James – The Varieties of Religious Experience
Visit Jim Kukral’s website and connect with him on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and LinkedIn.
Find out more about Life Apocalypse!
Discover more at The Beta Male Revolution Website

Meet Billy Eldridge

Meet Billy, the resident beta male. For Billy, this is a place to hang out with other beta males and the people who love them. We’re redefining what beta males look like in the world. I have learned to embrace my best beta self, and I can help you to do the same. As a therapist, I understand the need to belong. You belong here. Join the REVOLUTION.


Meet Brandy Eldridge

Hello, Beta friends. I am an alpha personality who is embracing the beta way of life. I feel alive when connected with people, whether that is listening to their stories or learning about their passions. Forget small talk, let’s go deep together. Come to the table and let’s have some life-changing conversations.


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Podcast Transcription


Hello, and welcome to Beta Male Revolution podcast, a podcast that started out by seeing the world through a different lens of masculinity, and now has become a place for people to deconstruct their shit in the second half life. I’m Billy Eldridge.


I’m Brandy Eldridge. As a married couple, we’ve had a ton of disagreements, tried to be honest about challenges and setbacks and hopes of becoming better versions of ourselves. So grab a cup of coffee, come hang out, let’s chat a little bit like we’ve known each other for 20 years.


That’s what I’m talking about. Let’s get jaggy with it.








Hey guys. Thanks for hanging out with us today. We’re excited to be back and bringing some guests your way that we believe have some content around the direction that we’re going with the podcast. Today we have Jim Kukral. Did I say that correctly?


That’s pretty good. I like it.


I’m getting close. Well, we’re the Eldridge’s and that gets messed up quite a bit, but —


It doesn’t not, not like his last name. Hey Jim, welcome. Glad to talk to you.


I’m happy to be here.


Well, we are working on this second half of life living where you have some ideas starting out and the way life is going to be, and life tends to happen and take you in different directions. We just want to hear your story around that and what the first half of your life was like, and what happened and what it’s like now. So could you just take us into your story?


Oh wow, that’s a quick one. I’m 50 years old this year. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio, and look, I’ll give you the 40,000 foot view here and we can talk about all this. I lived 49 years of my life, pretty much in a sleepwalk family, my own business, great, very successful, privileged life. In the middle of the pandemic I got colon cancer and surgery and chemo, and almost a year later I’m in remission. So it’s all good, but turning 50 years old, already in the middle of a midlife crisis and then the pandemic hits, and then you throw cancer on top of it. As you can imagine, my brain made a little bit of a mind shift and now I’m in a different place than I was a year ago. I am figuring out how to navigate that space in the back mind of my life, when the mortality, when a doctor puts a mortality number onto your actual life. That’s when stuff gets real. Are we allowed to swear on this podcast?


Absolutely. I don’t trust people who don’t swear.


I know shit’s real when a when a doctor looks you in the face and says, look, we’re going to remove this fist size tumor from your colon and if you have chemotherapy, you probably have about an 85% chance that the cancer might never come back. In other words, you got about a 15% chance that this coming back and you could be dead sooner than you know it. So anyway, that’s where I’m at now. I’m retired from 25 years of building an internet marketing career, owning some pretty big businesses and I just want to help people. I want to help people really figure out where they want to go for the rest of their lives. I’ve got a bunch of theories on that. So let’s talk about it.


Well, first of all, congratulations.


Thank you.


Second of all, you got the news that nobody wants to get, the C word. We’ve lost people to cancer before, and you’re a survivor, so that’s amazing. Talk to me about what happened that day and then where did your mind go?


Well, I’ll tell you, I mean, there’s actually a thing. I’m retired from marketing. I used to talk about marketing and I’ve built websites for 25 years. I’ve done with all that. So one of the new talks, I speak professionally now and I still travel around the world and do virtual talks. One of the talks I do is called the 22 minutes that change my life. I’ll give you the quick version of that; the cancer that they found was found about eight days before the surgery and the day of the surgery, there was no time to waste. So they got me in quickly. You know what people think about most when they have only moments to live? I’ll tell you. It wasn’t about all the successes I’ve had in business. It wasn’t about all the little bit of money I’ve made.

I spent the week before my surgery doing two things, number one, prepping for death and number two, taking a mental inventory of the legacy that I’m leaving. So let’s talk about the prepping for death part of it. I know it’s macab, but it took a lot of time. And by the way, it was very fortunate to have that time. Most people who have issues don’t have that type of time. Things happen like that. So I called my friends and I said if I go, here’s how you can help my wife keep my business going, because she doesn’t know about the internet stuff. I prepared an eight-page document with all my passwords and bank account numbers and a complete detailed instruction to-do list for my wife that was going to be given to her by a friend if I passed on the operating table of exactly what to do, exactly when to do it, how to settle all of my accounts.

I made sure my life insurance was secure. I made my power of attorney, my will. Like that was five days before surgery. So once all of that was done and I felt satisfied that my family was going to be taken care of then I started to get mentally prepared, mentally prepared that I may not wake up from what appeared after was a eight and a half hour surgery. So I was grateful for that week of preparation because like I said, most people don’t have that. So next was just trying to figure out the mental part of it and before I knew it, I was on the operating table.

The day of the surgery came and 22 minutes is the number because when they wheeled me out of that pre-op room and they took me down that long white, sterile hallway and they set me out in my gurney, in front of my surgery room and they left me; and I don’t know if this was a mistake or by design. I think someone was supposed to come out and talk to me, but they left me there and they said someone will be out for you soon. There was a clock above my head and I’m sitting in the hallway alone watching the clock above my head. For 22 minutes, I sat there alone, completely alone, watching nurses and doctors walk by, people smiled at me, but nobody talked to me.

I was just in my thoughts for 22 minutes. I thought about not about the money. I didn’t think about things like that. I thought about what did I leave for my family in terms of legacy meaning, what are my kids going to remember me by? Are they going to say, remember how great dad was for this? Those are the things you’re thought of. So for 22 minutes, I really reflected on where I was going to go. Now fortunately I woke up from that surgery, obviously we’re here, but that 22 minutes was really probably one of the most important moments of my life because it allowed me to take that look and really think about what meant the most to me. I think that most people go through that in some point in time but that’s what I talk about now, what I call a life apocalypse. We can talk more about that but that 22 minutes really got me thinking about where I were and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.


I had a small, similar experience, but I wasn’t married and I didn’t have kids yet. I remember being left on a gurney before, brain surgery and thinking I’m okay with dying now, if I don’t wake up from the table. But now when I look back on that, my whole life has changed at 28 to 43 with three kids now. I think every day are my kids learning how stressed out I am and how irritable I am when I get home from work or are they going to remember that they’re perfect and wonderful. It’s this challenge every day. I think I’m going to get up today and I’m going to be joyful and grateful and then about 22 minutes into it, I’m like, darn it, what the, I can’t believe that. It’s lost. How do you remain in that moment as much as you can, how do you remain thinking legacy and love and the future of your family?


Well, yes, you’re right. I mean, we’re all human. Here’s the thing the Life Apocalypse is the thing that I came up with. People think of the word apocalypse and they think of zombies. They think of end of the world but the truth is the definition, one of the definitions of apocalypse is really revelation. So when you think of it in that context, it’s about having revelations, revelations about how you’re going to move forward. Now, if you close your eyes and you think about your life, most people like I did, you’ll look at birth on the left, think of a chart, birth on the left and your death on the right, hopefully way, way far down the road. But there’s a line that connects them and most people think that line is a completely straight line that points from birth to death.

They live linear, predictable lives. There’s not a lot of ups and downs and things like that. At least people, that’s how most people view their lives. Now the reality is of course, that that line is not a straight line. It goes up and down and curves and twists and spins around. Now because most people believe their life is predefined and things are linear that is why most people live unfulfilled lives. That is why they have unfulfilling careers. That’s why they don’t think and get inspired to move forward because they just think everything’s happening the way it is. So now in the middle of all that you and I, you guys know and I know that there are these moments that are going to happen that really change your life. It could be your first time or your brain surgery or cancer or losing a job or could be an amazing moment, could be getting married or having your children.

So these are what I call life apocalyptic events and a life apocalypse is a transitional moment in your life that’s usually not self-imposed, that greatly directs how your life move forward. That’s what a life apocalypse event is. We all have them. You may not think you have them, but you have them. You were talking about brain surgery. That was one of them. There could have been ones that are very small, like getting a job or having your kids or other smaller things that could have changed the trajectory of your life. Once you realize that these life apocalyptic events happen, you can learn how to improve your life off of them.

People talk about post traumatic stress disorder, which is a very real thing, very real thing that can occur in many, many, many ways. But there’s also a thing called PTG, which is post traumatic growth. This is a new study that is being talked about. It is basically how I choose to move forward with my career and my life, which is how do you grow from a trauma, instead of, now again, PTSD is real, but if you think about it from the context of PTG, which is growing from a trauma, then your mindset changes. That’s part of what my philosophy is, the four ways you can have your own life apocalypse, which is mindset, lifestyle, impact, and purpose.


Oh, well, this goes right along with a documentary I just watched by, I believe it’s Gabriel Monte, who was an MD who worked on the streets. I believe in Toronto, Canada, I could have the story wrong, but worked with a lot of drug addicts and people who were suffering from homelessness. It always went back to usually some form of trauma that they experienced in life but the way he offered hope and healing was to go into the trauma and find the strengths within the suffering and how it could produce positive change instead of negative change. So when we look at that moment, you have that life apocalypse moment, you were laying on that gurney, looking at the clock, what quit mattering? What used to matter before and what doesn’t matter as much now and how did your focus change? I mean, how did your life flip? I mean, what shifts did you make?


Well, look, specifically all the cliché things, like getting rid of the negativity, the anger from people who had done things to you in the past, the resentment, the regret all the very typical things that most people I believe when they think they only have moments to live realize are very silly. You only learn those through experience, to learn how to get rid of those things through experience but I’ll take it a step backward and I’ll say that I think that most of us are learning these things quickly, more quicker now. Here’s why. So 2020 created, in my opinion, the greatest mind shit, set mindset [crosstalk] mind shift.


It was a mind shift


It was a mind shift. So it created the greatest mindset shift in human history. Now hear me out, if you really think about it, we were already going through a pretty tumultuous time in the world. Now the pandemic hits, this hit people across the board, rich, poor, it hit people religiously, financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, you name it. This really hit people hard. When you think about past apocalyptic events, world wars, 9/11, financial crises, this pandemic, which nobody wants to talk about anymore, but the truth is the next five to 15 to 25 years we’ll be coming out of the effects of it and in a hundred years from now, or 200 years from now, people will look at it as one of the greatest shifts in mindset in human history in time that humans have been on this planet, I firmly believe that.

Now what you have is you have an entire planet, 7 billion people who have been hyper accelerated into what most people would call a midlife crisis, which is a stereotypical way of saying people are getting closer to moving on off of this plane of the earth and what do they want to do with the rest of their life? So the stereotypical thing is women may go out and buy a Ferrari or a man may look for a younger person to be with, all the stereotypical stuff. But if you think about it, that’s everybody now. That’s not just a privileged, rich people. It is poor people. They’re like, wow, I may be poor, but things are, I could die tomorrow. The world is so messed up now mentally.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there’s a reason you see so many articles about people who have literally sold their apartments in New York city and bought an RV and are now living in a trailer park. There’s a reason you see so many articles about people who are like, “I’m not going back to work because I don’t have to put up with the boss I don’t like anymore. If that means I make 30% less money and I can stay at home and I don’t have to deal with bosses and people that don’t like, and then the situation that I’m not comfortable with, guess what, I’m fine with that.” That’s a shift. For people who believe that this is all going to go back to normal soon, and everything’s just going to be exactly the same, that’s wrong. Everybody has shifted. I talked to thousands of people in my research about this book I’m writing for the future and they all tell me the same thing, every single one of them, that the world has shifted, their brains have shifted and they’re not going back to the way it was before. Not sure if you guys agree with that, but that’s what I’m hearing.


I’m like raising hands and pumping fists over here.


I wish we had video over here so you could see this, Jim. I do want to get here shortly, a sneak peek into the book you’re writing if you can talk about it. But before that, I so agree with you. When I look at people in my generation, I’m 44, we’re fairly close in age and I look at what we’ve gone through and what we’re going through as a collective, I believe existential crisis that started possibly somewhere around, we had this first major event of Y2K where we thought the world was going to shut down and then the —


Which was nothing.


Which was nothing compared to what we’re at now, but that was the first foray in my life into, well, the world made changes, I know it, which it didn’t happen. But then all of a sudden Columbine and these school shootings happen. So it was a high schooler. The world is shifting and then we have 9/11, and then we have COVID. What used to matter to maybe like my parents or their generation, things that matter are changing. People want freedom. They don’t want to be locked down to a nine to five. They don’t want to deal with the crappy boss for 40 years in a dead end job.


Stop picking on bosses.


Yes, under fluorescent lights just for the hope of retirement, because retirement may not come. If I put all my money in savings and just hit the grind for 50 years, I may not get to 50 years. I’ve got to enjoy life on some level now. So in your research and what you’re seeing, can you give us a little sneak peek into how people are collectively shifting their perspective on the way they live life and what really matters?


Okay, so I think the easiest way to do that is talk about the four steps to a life apocalypse, which is mindset, lifestyle, impact, and purpose. I believe in these four steps so much that I literally have them tattooed on the wrist of my right arm. So every moment, every day I wake up and I see these words tattooed on my arm. You can see that on my website, if you want to go look at it. But let’s start by talking about this. Let’s talk about mindset. So I like to lead this discussion by talking about a guy named William James. Now, most people think when they think of psychology, a psychiatry, they think of Freud, but the truth is that William James is the actual father of modern psychology.


I’m a fan. I love some William James.


So William James, leading figure both, psychology, philosophy turn of the 19th century. His work led the contributions that laid groundwork for many modern philosophers and behavioral psychologists. So like, this is the person, not Freud. Let’s talk about mindset. William James said, you may not get everything you dream about, but you will never get anything you don’t dream about. So mindset is the first step to moving forward with either creating your own life apocalypse or getting through a life apocalypse event.

As I mentioned, the shift is happening. All the examples that you all have seen and everybody reads about every single day of mindset shift is happening and it’s accelerating. That’s the key here. Everybody’s always had that thing in the back of their head that said they always wanted to do something but what has happened because of the pandemic that has been accelerated., That’s the keyword, acceleration. The reason people don’t move forward with the mindset stuff is because they just think that there’s always going to be more time. Again, that fallacy has been proven. There’s potentially not going to be more time.

It doesn’t take 22 minutes on an operating table with your thoughts to think about that. You went through a pandemic. There’s possibly not going to be more time. So you have to get your mindset and it means you have to move forward. On my website, which is lifeapoc.com, I have a four-part text texting-based free challenge you can take. Essentially you’re going to go through four specific lessons. The first one is mindset. I draw a clip from the movie Fight Club and I won’t spoil the challenge for you, but essentially if Brad Pitt has a gun pointed to your head and tells you, you better go figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life that you’re passionate about that’s a really good way to get your mindset because you’re going to die by Brad Pitt unless you actually move forward with your mindset.

So in the pandemic might be the gun to your head. So that’s the first step, the mindset. Does that make sense? So lifestyle is the next one. I’m going to throw you a whole bunch of William James quotes at you. He also said, if you can change your mind, you can change your life. That’s the first step. He also said to kill time is not murder. It’s suicide. So lifestyle, we’re seeing this every single day now. People are deciding to change their lives. Again, what stopped people from buying the RV and moving into a van down by the river, which is what I want to do? It’s fear. It’s fear of losing their job. It’s fear that they won’t have health coverage.

What if I get sick? What what if I didn’t have health coverage? I’m self-employed so I pay my own healthcare coverage for 25 years but what if I hadn’t paid it? Where would I be now? I’d be broke. I’d be in debt. I’d have nothing. So fear holds you back from making that lifestyle change. Again, though, when you look at the pandemic, it has accelerated people out. When you talk about fear and you talk about people making moves, I’m a big believer in what I call the pain level index. So when you get a kidney stone and you go to the hospital, the nurse will look at you and say, what’s your pain level on a scale of one to 10, 10 being the worst. When I had my kidney stones, I said 11.

So I believe that people don’t take action and move forward and get past fear without sometimes having a gun to your head or you have a very high pain level. So if your work that you’re doing is only at a five, you’re really not that motivated to take action. You’re really not that motivated to change your life, to change your mindset. Now again, the pandemic and everything else has hyper accelerated that. So people have to start believing that a new lifestyle is possible. Again, the pandemic is proving this. It is proving that you do not need to be in an office under a soul sucking, fluorescent light in a cubicle. It’s proving this. People are getting more productive, getting more work done, they’re happier and everything. So that’s the second step is lifestyle.

The third is impact, and William James said, the good we do today becomes the happiness of tomorrow. So now you’re talking about a whole generation of people who have been figuring out how do I make an impact on this world while I’m still here? I’m not talking about just charity, which is an amazing thing that everybody should choose to do or not to do. I’m not talking about having a business where you donate 2% to some charitable organization. That’s an amazing, wonderful thing you should do, and that will help the world but creating an impact in the world is more than just making a donation to a charitable organization. What the problem is is again, people don’t know how.

It’s very hard to understand how to really create an impact in the world. We try as a family, we create what we call homeless care kits and we fill ziploc bags with socks and toothpaste and snacks and things that we know that people who live on the street need and we keep them in our car. When we see people in need, we pull over and we give them to them. We don’t give them money, but we try to give them something. That’s one small way to do things, but how do you take it to the next level? This is something I’m trying to figure out myself, like, where do I want to take the rest of my life? What impact can I create beyond just doing that?

One of my dreams is to open up like a bar or a coffee shop that also doubles as a a place where people can adopt a dog or a cat. How amazing would that be to come in every single day to help people find their, help these animals find their forever home, let people come in? That’s something I’m thinking about doing. So I’m going down this journey as well. If people are listening to this and think that I have some super master answer, like I’m some guru or something, I don’t. I don’t. I’m going through this journey just like you are.

That leads me into the next one, which is purpose. Not everyone figures out their purpose. Sometimes you don’t. Some people never figure it out. I still have struggled with this. I do believe my purpose is two things. Number one, I believe it was my purpose to bring two amazing children into this world who are going to live at a better place, because they are truly amazing kids. But beyond that, I believe my purpose is really to inspire people. It’s what I’ve always been good at. I hope you can hear it in my voice. I’ve always been good at making people think. I believe that motivation, you can’t motivate people to do things. You can inspire them. People will take action when they’re ready, if they want to. That’s what inspiration’s about. Inspiration is about giving people thoughts to put in their head and when they’re ready to make a change, they’ll do it.

You can’t tell people to motivate to do things. They’re going to do it when they’re ready. That’s my belief. So purpose is the same way. That’s what I believe my purpose on this earth is and that’s why I created Life Apocalypse. That’s what I’m trying to do. Pablo Picasso said the meaning of life is to find your gift, but then the purpose of life is to give it away. So you may not know what it is right now. I’m going to be 50 soon. I’m not exactly sure what it is. I may never figure it out. But when you start thinking about all of these things, when you start changing your mindset and thinking about lifestyle changes and thinking about impact and purpose, this is when you create what I call a life apocalyptic event. That should in my calculation help you move forward to a better place in your life, in your career.


Well, I love that you’re out there giving it away, passing it forward. You won me over by mentioning William James. I have an affinity for him because my first name is William, my middle name is James. He wrote a book called Variety of a Spiritual Experiences. I believe that’s the name of it, that was quite beneficial to me. It gave me a lot of permission on the spiritual side, because when you are faced with your own mortality, life and death, often spirituality comes into play. Some people have these Burning Bush experiences and the permission he gave me that some spiritual experiences are of the educational variety. We just get it through our experience along the way through life. That’s how it’s been for me. The more I know the more I don’t know. I love that you leave it open ended like that. So where can people go, I know you mentioned your website? You said you have a book on the horizon here about to come out. Where can people find your information, find you and tap into what you’re doing in the world, Jim?


Well, yes, thank you so much. If you want to take the text-based challenge, look, I know people are tired of getting emails. Want to try something fun and new? I’m going to text you for four days and you’re going to go in and take a challenge. I’m going to give you a challenge every day for the next four days. So go to lifeapoc.com, L-I-F-E A-P-O-C.com. You can sign up for that. It’s totally free. If you want to learn more about me and my old books and what I’m doing you go to jimkukral.com, J-I-M K-U-K-R-A-L.com. Again, I am retired from marketing. I’ve had an amazing career. I have lots of businesses that I still run behind the scenes, but I’m retired about talking about marketing. This is my brand now. So I do professional speaking. So if anyone out there wants to bring me into your organization or wants to come out do virtual or in person, or wants to hear a message about this that will inspire your employees or your team then I’d be happy to talk to you about it.


That’s great. I love that. People are always looking for good resources to come in, especially beginning of the year. So we’ll definitely put that stuff out there. Before we leave we’d like to ask just a couple ending questions. I’m going to ask one that I haven’t asked before so I hope you can go there with me, but someone asked me this the other day and I thought, oh, so if you were to tell us one thing about yourself that you don’t want people to know, or like, if you had to say tell on your head, what’s a thought or a thing that most people love that you do not. I’ll give you a little time to think about it.


Something —


So like you mentioned —


They don’t know about me?


Yes. So like you mentioned animals and so in my head while you’re saying that I would like, I would never open a coffee shop that had animals because unlike the popular vote and what people like, I don’t like animals. That’s something that I don’t want to say out loud, but I just did. So what’s one of those things that you think everybody loves, I should probably like it, but I don’t, I’m going to tell on my head about it.


This is actually an easy answer for me. About four years ago, five years ago, I made a very biggest mistake in my life. One of them, a mistake that almost cost me my marriage, my finances, my business, almost completely destroyed me. I decided to run for public office.


That’s a whole another podcast.


So the long story short, as I ran for a city council position in my local little, 12,000 home city here in suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, and I ran because I’m an altruistic helper person who wanted to change my community, what I found out was that politics isn’t made for people like me. It will spit you up and chew you out, chew you up and spit you out and basically try to ruin your life. So what did I learn from that experience? I am not good with fame. I am not good with being out front and trying to make changes in a place where changes don’t want to be had. So that’s what I learned and I would never want to do that again.


Thank you for all those people listening that thought I really want to change the world. I think I can make it a better place through politics.


There are so many other ways you could make an impact in the world, a thousand times better than running for local office, believe me.


I absolutely believe that. Jim, thanks so much for hanging out with us in our little corner of the world and sharing your message of hope and transformation with our little community. We look forward to checking your information out and —


I’m going to download the app and I’m going to do the four-day challenge.


There we go


It’s not an app. It’s just a text-based thing. So you don’t need an app. You just go, you put your phone number in and I’ll start sending you texts and yes, please check it out. Thank you so much.


We’re going to be hearing more from you over the next four days through a text. So yes, thanks so much, Jim, and go forth and do good our friend.


Appreciate it.


Beta Male Revolution is part of the Practice of the Practice podcast network, a family of podcasts seeking to change the world. To hear other podcasts like the Bomb Mom podcast, Imperfect Thriving or Empowered and Unapologetic, go to practiceofthepractice.com/network.

This podcast is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regards to the subject matter covered. This is given with the understanding that neither the host, Practice of the Practice, or the guests are providing legal, mental health, or other professional information. If you need a professional, you should find one.

Beta Male Revolution is part of the Practice of the Practice Podcast Network, a network of podcasts seeking to help you thrive, imperfectly. To hear other podcasts like the Bomb Mom Podcast, Imperfect Thriving, or Empowered and Unapologetic, go to practiceofthepractice.com/network.

The post Life Apocalypse with Jim Kukral appeared first on Beta Male Revolution.

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