How do you recognize the ego and do an ego check? How does your ego show up in arguments? How do you remove the ego when it shows up? In this podcast, Billy and Brandy Eldridge talk about checking your ego and how it can play a big part in betas lives. In This Podcast […]

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How do you recognize the ego and do an ego check? How does your ego show up in arguments? How do you remove the ego when it shows up?

In this podcast, Billy and Brandy Eldridge talk about checking your ego and how it can play a big part in betas lives.

In This Podcast

Billy’s ego
The failure résumé
How do you do an ego check?

Billy’s ego

After rehab, Billy found himself in an entry-level position with a chip on his shoulder as he had already worked in managerial positions prior. He felt like they were trying to show him how to do his job. From the beginning, his ego was hurt because he took a job that he thought was beneath him and he felt entitled to more.

When he was called into the office one day, his ego went supercharged. He felt like he had rights, and got defensive. He wasn’t surprised when he got a call that he shouldn’t come back.

The failure résumé

Brandy went through a failure resume which is anti-ego. This meant listing all the failures she had in life, without making an excuse for it. You had to own the stuff you didn’t want to, without defending it. Brandy is still noticing patterns of ego and finding things out about herself.

It’s important to have these conversations and remove ourselves from the center of the universe.

How do you do an ego check?

When Billy’s ego is engaged, his blood pressure goes up, his heart begins to race, gets short of breath, shoulders get tense, his jaw is clenched, and he needs to self soothe with deep breathing or stretching. During a fight, ask for a time out with 10 minutes to be able to do these techniques.

For Brandy, she has to ask herself a couple of questions. She has to talk to herself and ask where her anger is coming from, as well as ask for a break. When you’re defending yourself, that’s ego. There’s a difference between defending yourself and explaining yourself. Some of these questions are:

Why am I being defensive? Why aren’t you moving to the left of your ego? It’s okay to admit that you’re wrong.

Do you have a strong need to be right?  Does it feel like you’re going to lose something that you think belongs to you? It’s more than important to recognize the ego when it shows up. Cleaning your wreckage up, and putting aside your ego is important for growth.

Are you ready to find the freedom to be yourself as a beta male? Do you want permission and tools to be your best beta? Are you ready to join the revolution to find strength as a beta? If you want to be comfortable in your skin and be the most authentic beta male, then our free beta revolution course is for you. Sign up for free.

Useful links:

Mild At Heart | BMR 03
Sign up here for the free Beta Male Course

Meet Billy Eldridge

Meet Billy, the resident beta male. For Billy, this is a place to hang out with other beta males and the people who love them. We’re redefining what beta males look like in the world. I have learned to embrace my best beta self, and I can help you to do the same. As a therapist, I understand the need to belong. You belong here. Join the REVOLUTION.


Meet Brandy Eldridge

Hello, Beta friends. I am an alpha personality who is embracing the beta way of life. I feel alive when connected with people, whether that is listening to their stories or learning about their passions. Forget small talk, let’s go deep together. Come to the table and let’s have some life-changing conversations.


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Beta Male Revolution is part of the Practice of the Practice Podcast Network, a network of podcasts seeking to help you thrive, imperfectly. To hear other podcasts like the Bomb Mom Podcast, Imperfect Thriving, or Empowered and Unapologetic, go to

The post Ego Check | BMR 04 appeared first on Brandy Eldridge.