Can fear and nirvana co-exist? Yes! It can be an access point to bliss and enlightenment according to this weeks guest Akshay Nanavati. Akshay is a speaker, athlete, author, former US marine and founder of Fearvana. Akshay’s book comes with the highest recommendations – including one from the Dalai Lama himself. In this interview, we talk through what… Continue reading BMR 32: Fearvana with Akshay Nanavati

The post BMR 32: Fearvana with Akshay Nanavati appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

Can fear and nirvana co-exist? Yes! It can be an access point to bliss and enlightenment according to this weeks guest Akshay Nanavati. Akshay is a speaker, athlete, author, former US marine and founder of Fearvana. Akshay’s book comes with the highest recommendations – including one from the Dalai Lama himself.

In this interview, we talk through what Akshay has learned through his own personal suffering – through his youth, experience in the marines as well as being diagnosed with PTSD and survivors guilt that led to him contemplating taking his own life. Whereas now he actively seeks adversity and recommends others do too! Beyond discussions around Akshay’s incredible journey, we explore why it’s important to find your own worthy struggle and seek adversity in order to drive self-evolution.


Akshay’s upbringing
Creation of Fearvana
Lessons from prolonged light deprivation!
Seeking adversity through stillness
From suicidal thoughts to facilitating epic feats
Why Akshay decided to run border to border of every country in the world!
Experiencing oneness along the journey
Lessons from service in marines
Finding unity in struggle
Experiencing survivors guilt
The struggle post-war and the ‘normal’ world
How Akshay got to the point of taking his own life
We ALL experience pain and suffering
Reframing progress – easier vs growth
Post-traumatic growth – trauma an access point to growth
Attaching yourself to labels
Do we really have free will?
The 2 darts of suffering
Recognizing the space
Event + awareness = outcome
Fearvana definition
Discovering your worthy struggle
Challenging your relationship to adversity
The questions you need to ask and answer in order to find your worthy struggle
The greatest lessons are in the DOING!
Why you must seek the struggle
The world of instant gratification and how to combat this
The journey being the destination
Evolution through the struggle
Stepping into the next evolution of yourself
What to do if you haven’t found your worthy struggle
Miracle growth for the brain
Looking for references
REFLECTION and why it’s key to success
Deep gratification vs fizzy high
Living life with purpose and consciousness
Coming out of the dark space and what is the first step?
What is happening does NOT define you
Why Akshay wants people to struggle more
Akshay’s one recommendation for everyone to help them step into a better version of themselves

For more on Akshay and his incredible work click here


Fearvana book

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The post BMR 32: Fearvana with Akshay Nanavati appeared first on The Wellness Couch.