Did you know that eating animal fat is essential to help you burn your stubborn body fat? Did you know that eating fat can help kick you out of a state of depression?

Nora Gedgaudas is the best selling author of ‘Primal Body Primal Mind’ and more recently ‘Primal Fat Burner’. Nora has a very unique voice in her writing and presenting and backs it up with a lot of solid research. Today we discuss her incredible story which includes living with wolves and her battles with mental health. We talk about our genetic blue print (what we are designed to eat as humans) backing it up with current research, as well as the important role that fat consumption plays for our physical and mental health. This is a really fun chat with lots of humor and nuggets of applicable information!

Nora’s story – Attempting to overcome depression through, psychotherapy, nutrition, vegetarianism, working with Tony Robbins and living with wild wolves in the North Pole!
Heathy thriving cultures and how that changed.
Ancestral living – fat for survival.
Is depression really in the head or a chemical imbalance?
Brain Training – Neurofeedback.
Bulletproof combo for mental health and wellbeing.
Did our ancestors really live a shorter life?

Lifespan halved with agriculture!
The rise of modern disease.
Why do we become addicted to certain food?
The multinational corporate interest behind the food pyramid.
How to thrive in a toxic world.
You are what you digest – ANS balance is key (again)!
‘life balance’.
Where to start!
Big fat lies – myth-busting
The Big Question – Nora’s global message.

Find Nora here:

Website:  http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primalnora/

Primal Restpration: http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/primalrestoration/

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Nora-Gedgaudas/e/B003MSZO5S

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The post BMR 3: The Skinny On Fats – Lose Weight, Think Better And Live Longer! – Nora Gedgaudas appeared first on The Wellness Couch.