This is beyond doubt the most powerful interview I have done to date. Angela has experienced what many would consider the most tragic thing that could happen to a parent and that is losing her son Will at the age of 104 days old. As you can imagine it was a very sad situation and… Continue reading BMR 28: A Formula For Happiness – With Angela Jenkins

The post BMR 28: A Formula For Happiness – With Angela Jenkins appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

This is beyond doubt the most powerful interview I have done to date. Angela has experienced what many would consider the most tragic thing that could happen to a parent and that is losing her son Will at the age of 104 days old. As you can imagine it was a very sad situation and it was hard for Angela to find happiness at times. However Angela took action and having a background in physiology gained some tools and techniques that very few have attained or understood.

In this episode we discuss how Angela got through this time and we explore what tools and techniques she uses and recommends as well as the why behind the application. If you want to gain more happiness in your life then this is a must listen episode as there are many very usable tools and techniques that you can apply now.

Episode Breakdown:

Getting to know Angela
Evolution of Angela as a holistic wellness practitioner
Angelas experience from a really unhappy place
Where there is life, there is hope
104 days of happiness practice
‘The Will to Liv’
Unique tools pulled from this dark place
Mind tools
Morning rituals – setting up the day
Deep joy vs fizzy highs
The happiness pursuit trap
Habits of the happiest people
#1 habit
So many controllable factors to give us power over our happiness
The enemies to happiness
Perception is key
Pulling yourself out of the downward spiral
Practicing laughter
Raising happy children
The power of play
The power of epigenetics (and hugs!)
How to stimulate the happiness hormones
Happiness in men vs women
Why men need to talk more
Angelas one thing that you can apply right now to make you a happier you.

More from Angela:



Stay tuned for her book – Will To Live

More from Carl

HealthFit Collective


The post BMR 28: A Formula For Happiness – With Angela Jenkins appeared first on The Wellness Couch.