Vacation plus rehabs doesn't equal humdrum work...out guest turned it into an adventure. The whole family goes to the property selected for rehab. Cosmetic upgrades, paint, and other easy expenses are put into the property while the family rocks! Hear how else he is investing in real estate!

Best Ever Tweet:

Its easier to make friends than money, and it's easier to make money with friends.

Doug Larson Real Estate Background:

- Real estate investor for 17 years with being full-time for 11 years
- Rentals, fix and flips, land, & lease-options in Hawaii, California and Utah
- Bought and sold over 100 properties
- Philosophy is not about collecting a certain number of doors, it’s about financial independence balanced life
- Based in Park City, Utah
- Best Ever Book: The Progress Paradox

Click here for a summary of Doug's Best Ever advice: 

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