Interested in pulling the trigger finally? Well now it's possible after hearing this episode, you're going to learn what it takes to lessen the burden every month by purchasing a multi family. That's right, our guest has only purchased a multi family and it's been a blessing and gateway to more deals!

Best Ever Tweet:

Don't Buy a single-family house for your first property, purchase at least a duplex.

Sunny Burns Real Estate Background:

-        26 year old real estate investor
-        First real estate deal a quadplex, was his best ever deal that has allowed his wife to stay-at-home
-        Property is 20 min from NYC, found off the MLS in 2015, cashout refied all $67k of their initial investment
-        Based in Garfield, NJ
-        Say hi to him at

Click here for a summary of Sunny's Best Ever advice: 

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