Michael has been in career advising and business consulting for about 25 years now. Before he found his calling he was at a job he was good at but no longer had any passion for and in fact, was making him depressed. Michael went to a career counselor in search of some help because he wanted to find something different and all that did was make him more depressed because they had him apply to 150 jobs and he only had one response. He later realized it wasn’t him or his resume per se but his strategy on how to find work. He shares five solutions he uses to help many of his clients during transitions to find careers that bring them fulfillment. He also shares an amazing tip on how to network instead of the old-fashioned way.

Michael Alan Tate Real Estate Background:

President and CEO of On the Same Page Consulting Over 20 years of experience as an executive coach, consultant, and strategist Consults clients through making career changes Based in Birmingham, AL Say hi to him at https://michaelalantate.com/  Author of The White Shirt: Find Your Peaceful and Life-Giving Career at Any Stage of Life 

Best Ever Tweet:

“Ask for a job, and you will get advice. Ask for advice and you will find a job. ” - Michael Alan Tate