Bob Lachance is an Ex Professional hockey player who dived right into real estate investing with no experience. He took a leap of faith, by asking an investor if they needed help and from there his story began. He shares a valuable lesson from a mistake he made along the way that cost him $150,000 in one day. He is a good example of why you keep pushing forward, taking every mistake as a lesson, and staying open minded to discover what you will be good at. 

Bob Lachance Real Estate Background:

An active business owner and real estate investor since 2004 Ex professional hockey player For the last 5 years Bob has run one of the premiere Virtual Assistant Staffing companies in the world. REVA Global LLC. Based in Hartford, CT Say hi to him at Best Ever book: Traction 

Best Ever Tweet:

"I look at everything as a learning experience, I invested outside my area of expertise I didn’t know anything about knock down rebuilds. Failure is what it is, it's something you have to learn from.”- Bob Lachance

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Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.
