Craig is coming back on the show to tell us more about house hacking, which he has done three times now. He’s been able to go from a negative net worth to financial independence through this powerful wealth building strategy. Craig puts things into perspective with actionable tips and strategies for anyone to use in their own lives. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

Best Ever Tweet:

“Buy a single family house, live in one room and rent out the other rooms” - Craig Curelop

Craig Curelop Real Estate Background:

Author of The House Hacking Strategy and aggressive pursuer of financial independence From sleeping on his couch, to renting out his car, Craig has been able to go from a negative $30k net worth to financially independent in 3-years all while paying off $85k in student loan debt  Now on his 3rd house hack Listen to his previous episode: 1260: BiggerPockets Analyst Tells Us His Life-Hacking Story with Craig Curelop Based in Denver, CO Say hi to him at:  Instagram: @thefiguy

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Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.
