Mitch has built quite a large real estate investing company, doing at least one deal every four days. His strategy is to seller finance properties that he buys with his private investors. He raises the money and keeps them legal, while his team take care of the rest. He’ll share how he’s been able to grow such a large business, and raise a large amount money. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

Best Ever Tweet:

“If the house is worth $100k, I get a loan for about $58k” - Mitch Stephen

Mitch Stephen Real Estate Background:

Self Employed real estate investor for 20+ years Bought and sold over 1500 properties Owns over 1,100 storage doors in 16 locations Listen to his previous episode: JF95: Boat and Mini Storage Unit Investing…and SOOOO Much More! Based in San Antonio, TX Say hi to him at Best Ever Book: Nothing Down by Robert Allen

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