Joseph came to the US in 2007 and started buying single family homes. He didn’t like the idea of scaling single family homes so he decided to start buying multifamily. Starting with a 22 unit, eventually buying a 102 unit property in Texas. According to Joseph, the 22 unit property was in great shape but had poor management. Now that they have fixed the management issues, the property’s valuation is worth over $600k more than it was with the previous management. In this episode we get to hear how to find your first bigger deal, and how to increase the valuation of large properties. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

“There is a higher probability that you can close a deal over a first time buyer” - Joseph Gozlan


Joseph Gozlan Real Estate Background:

-Multifamily investments specialist, leading group acquisitions of over $11MM in real estate at EBG Acquisitions

-Provides asset management services to a portfolio of 156 units and growing.

-In 2017 he led the successful acquisition of a 102 units multifamily property in Lubbock Texas

-Goal is more multifamily communities in Texas secondary markets and managing an asset base of 3000 units

-Began real estate in 2005, when he purchased with his wife Rita their first investment property in Israel

-Say hi to him at

-Based in Plano, Texas

-Best Ever Book: The One Thing by Gary Keller

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