Hunter was always an entrepreneur. He started as a high schooler selling parking spots out of his backyard when there was an event going on. His first venture into investing was in the stock market. Hunter didn’t like that some many variables that were out of his control, could determine how much money he made or lost. Enter real estate. Now Hunter and his team syndicate opportunities, most notably self storage and mobile home parks. Today we’ll hear higher level tips and suggestions for investing in those two asset classes. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

“There are more self storage facilities in the U.S. than there are Subways, Starbucks, and McDonalds combined” - Hunter Thompson


Hunter Thompson Real Estate Background:

- Founder of Cash Flow Connections, a real estate syndication company

- Has helped investors allocate capital to over 100 properties, which have a combined asset value of $350MM.  

- Host of the Cash Flow Connections podcast, which helps investors learn from intricacies of commercial real estate

- Based in Los Angeles, California

- Say hi to him at:

- Best Ever Book: 4 Hour Work Week

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