Timothy is an active duty military member and active investor. His goal is to make the opportunities that typically are only available to the top income earners, available to everyone, especially military and ex military members. He works towards that everyday while also working full time in the military. Timothy has great tips on building a good team, networking, and starting a syndication company. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Get the right people on the bus before you know where the bus is going


Timothy Herman Background:

CEO at UpEquity, a real estate tech company His company brings exclusive investment opportunities to the military community. Spent most of the past decade flying and instructing in fighter jets for the Navy - both F-18s and now F-35s. Naval Academy graduate and London School of Economics alumnus Based in Hanford, California Say hi to him at www.upequity.com/ Best Ever Book: Never Eat Alone


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